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His own smile fades, turning into a frown when he sees my expression. “Meg? What’s wrong? You look like you’ve had some bad news.”

I sigh heavily, shoulders drooping under the weight of the day I’ve had. “That’s one way of putting it.”

“What happened? Did Evans fire you or something?” he asks, the concern clear in his voice.

“No, nothing like that,” I swallow and square my shoulders. I just have to rip off the Bandaid. “Eric’s been cheating on me. With Anna Evans.”

Clark’s eyes widen. “No way. You caught them?”

“Let’s just say, they weren’t planning on hiding it once they decided to tell me,” I reply bitterly. “I have no idea for how long this has been going on, but Eric looked very pleased with himself, and Anna… Well, that bitch is just Anna.”

Clark moves before I realize what is happening. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. I lean into him, squeezing my eyes shut so I don’t end up crying. I will not cry.

But I can’t hold it back anymore. I let out a sob, and that’s it. Clinging onto my brother, I find myself crying until my throat hurts. Until there are no more tears left. Clark doesn’t say anything; he just holds me, stroking my hair and rubbing my back.

When I feel like I’ve shredded my throat with all my sobbing, I slump into his arms and allow him to lead me to the couch.

“I’m sorry, Megan,” Clark says quietly. “I’m so sorry.”

“I can’t believe he would do that to me.” I straighten up, rubbing my eyes with my sleeve. But that just makes my sore eyes feel worse. “I thought things were great. How did I miss any of this?”

“Some people will hide it when they’re cheating, and they can be so good at it you won’t notice anything out of the ordinary,” Clark gently pats my back.

“Then why do it so blatantly in front of me?” I ask, clamoring for some kind of answer. For it all to make sense, somehow.

But Clark only shrugs. “Maybe they didn’t want to hide it anymore. Maybe they wanted to taunt you. It could be anything.”

I know that much, and it’s going to leave me pacing around going insane. I just can’t get the look Eric gave me out of my head. Like he just didn’t care.

“I don’t get why he would do that right outside his boss’ office. That’s just asking for trouble,” Clark shakes his head incredulously.

I grab a pillow and hug it tightly to my chest. “When it comes to Anna Evans, she doesn’t think about that stuff. She just wants maximum effect on the person she’s targeting.”

“You sound like you’ve got good measure of her,” Clark snorts.

I roll my eyes. “I’ve met women like Anna, and she’s no different. But for Eric to go along with it… I thought he was better than that.”

“Apparently not,” he murmurs.

Then Clark gets to his feet, flexing his muscles as he starts to take off his apron. “Just say the word, and I’ll go and talk to him. Find out what he’s doing and get him to grovel.”

“What?” I hold up my hands. “Slow down, Clark. You don’t need to do that.”

“You think I shouldn’t go and tell the piece of shit that he’s a dick for cheating on my sister?” Clark cracks his knuckles. “I’ll make sure he knows that he made the biggest mistake of his life.”

“Seriously?” I jump to my feet and put my hands over his. “You’ll just get yourself into trouble. And Anna’s rich. She can cause you all kinds of hell if you lay your hands on Eric.”

But Clark laughs bitterly. “I’m not the one who’s going to be in hell after I’m through.”

“Clark…” I need my warning to get through to him. This is not some schoolyard grudge we’re dealing with.

Clark sighs heavily and pulls away. “Okay, fine. I’ll stay away from him. But you just need to say the word—"

“I’ll let you know,” I say, even though we both know that won’t happen.

Part of me wants my brother to find Eric and do something he shouldn’t, but I know that he’s going to end up getting into serious trouble. Anna is petty enough to do that, and I don’t want to give her the satisfaction.

Still not looking happy, Clark ruffles my hair and turns away. “Whatever you want, sis.”
