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“What I want is for you to quit messing up my hair.” I rake my fingers through the mess on my head.

“Tough.” Clark heads toward the kitchen. “I’ll just finish dinner. Then we’ll do whatever you want to distract you from the bitches who decided to ruin your day.”

I cannot help but smile at that. Clark always manages to make me feel better. And I have a few ideas about how to distract myself.

Unfortunately, a number of them involve something thatIcould get into trouble for.



I’m relieved to get home. After the bombshell earlier, and having to check on Megan constantly, I’m exhausted. Even now, after getting home when I should be turning my business thoughts off, I can’t stop thinking about her and worrying whether she’s okay. Megan is tough, but sometimes that toughness isn't more than a front.

Anna has a lot of explaining to do, but she isn’t answering my calls. That’s probably a smart move on her part; she knows that I’m going to be angry, and no amount of justifying is going to make it better.

If only she could put that attitude toward not stealing other people’s boyfriends.

As I head into my bedroom and get changed out of my suit, I end up thinking about Eric and how he’s not the man I thought. No decent human being would do what I saw today. It’s like they don’t care about Megan at all.

How Megan ended up with a guy like him, I have no idea. She deserves better than that.

What, someone like me? She would never look at someone like me. That’s not going anywhere.

Even as I tell myself that it’s never going to happen, I can’t help but think about my PA. And it drives me insane. I really should not look at Megan like I would another woman, but I can’t stop myself. She is gorgeous and sexy, and she understands me more than any of my previous girlfriends. She doesn’t bat an eye when I’m getting my schedule with women in order, and she finds it amusing when I end up messing up yet another date. Megan appears to enjoy my discomfort, but she still does what she can to make things smoother for me.

Maybe there’s a reason my dates haven’t gone well. Because I can’t take my mind off Megan, the one woman I know I shouldn’t be having anything to do with beyond her being my employee.

And yet… here I am thinking about her.

The sound of my cell phone ringing makes me jump. Sighing, I go through the pockets of my jacket on my bed. It is always at the bottom of the pocket and it takes forever to get it out.

The sight of the caller ID flashing up on the screen makes me groan. It’s one of the few people I don’t want to hear from. But I know that she’s going to keep calling until I answer. The woman is too damn persistent.

If only she had been like this during our marriage.

I sit on the bed and answer the call. “What is it, Caitlin?”

“Is that how you’re going to greet me now, Joel?” My ex-wife’s voice grates me through the phone.

I sigh and kick off my shoes. “Just tell me what you want. I’ve got things to do.”

By things, I mean finding an activity that can distract me from what Megan looks like under her clothes. It’s something that’s been plaguing me for a while now, and I can’t shake the mental images I create. Then again, talking to my ex-wife is a good way to distract myself out of that.

“Well, I just got a call from Anna,” Caitlin sounds excited. “She’s going to be introducing her boyfriend to us, and she wants both of us to meet them for dinner.”

For a moment, I think I’m hearing things. Did she just say that? I look at my phone, but it hasn’t morphed into anything different. I had really heard Caitlin talk about Anna introducing Eric to us over dinner.

“Are you serious?” I blurt out, my indignation rising.

“I am,” she replies casually. “It’s been a while since she’s introduced a boyfriend to us, and she really wants us to see that she’s settled down.”

“No.” I clench my jaw so tightly it hurts. I don’t even need to think about it. I don’t want anything to do with this.

“What?” Caitlin falters. “Why are you saying no? Anna’s really excited about this.”

“I’ve already met the boyfriend. And I’m not impressed,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Why? What’s wrong with him?” she asks, hesitating in her voice for the first time.

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