Page 12 of Riding Wild

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May nudges me again. “Promise me.”

I glance toward her. “Stay in the truck.”

Chapter Five


I didn’t think Axel was the kind of guy I’d ever like. He’s big, cocky, and so sure of himself that I was convinced he never once stopped to think about anyone else. Tonight has proven me wrong. If he hadn’t carried me out of here, who knows what Trent would’ve done to me. I should’ve taken the note he left at the diner more seriously.

Axel grips him by the throat and drags him around the corner, nodding back toward me as though telling me it’s okay to help Nora into the diner. She’s breathing hard, but she doesn’t look hurt.Thank God.I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself had anything happened to her because of me.

“Why don’t you start a pot of coffee?” Doc says, helping Nora into a booth tucked in the back corner of the dimly lit diner. He’s careful with her, soothing. It’s obvious he’s done this before and I’m beyond thankful he’s here. My mind is stuck on Axel who’s out back doing God knows what.

I drag in a deep breath and start the coffee maker before heading into the back for some day-old donuts that Arnie keeps in the back fridge in case of emergency. Usually, theemergencyis an annoying customer we need a break from, but I’d say this counts.

When the coffee is finished, I stack three hot mugs onto a tray beside the pastry box and meet Doc and Nora at the table. I’m desperate to ask her the details of everything that’s happened but she still looks shaken, and I don’t want to pile on too much too soon. Besides, there’s still pressing matters with Axel out back, and as much as my brain is trying to convince me of how big and strong he is, I can’t help but want to run to his aide.

“I’ve got to run to the bathroom quick. I’ll be right back. You guys get started.”

Doc glances toward me. “Don’t go out the back door. Axel is fine.”

“How so?”

“We’re commonly sent out to help people in danger. Axel knows what to do.”

“What if Trent knows what to do, too?”

“He won’t. He’s no threat to Axel. Trust me.”

I’m learning more and more tonight.

“Trust you? That sounds a little more ominous than your bear story.”

“It’s not something we talk about.”

“Well, maybe just this last one?”

Doc sighs. “There are some parts of the MC that aren’t for public consumption. It requires certain‘skills’to resolve problems. Axel handles those situations better than most.”

“Is this something I should be worried about?”

“Nope.” Doc states the word clear and flat. “Axel is capable of controlling himself. You just need to let him do his work. By the way, who is the poor, unfortunate soul on the receiving end?”

“He’s an ex who stalks me… kind of. I’ve been living in my car and—”

“You’ve been living in your car?” Nora gasps and snaps her gaze toward me. “What? Why? How long? I thought you were up on the ridge.” She shakes her head. “I knew it was weird you wanted me to wait until you were finished decorating to see the place. May!”

“I didn’t want you to worry. I’d already put so much of Mom’s stuff on you. Besides, that’s not the problem. The problem is Trent. He’s crazy. He left this letter in my car a few days ago saying how much he loved me and if he couldn’t have me, no one could. I didn’t think it was weird at the time but now…”

Doc glances up toward me. “Sit down and eat something. Axel will be in when he’s done.”

My heart pinches and the room spins. Do I have such terrible taste in men that I only like stalkers and people who thrive in violence?

Apparently, I have a thing for bad boys.

But there is one distinction here. Trent was hurting Nora. All bad boy turn-on’s aside, there are lines no one gets to cross. That’s the rationale I let take over as I excuse myself to the bathroom, stopping at the security closet for the loaded pistol the owners keep tucked away in case of emergency.

I grew up around guns, so shooting isn’t new to me, but usually, my target is a piece of paper stuck to a bale of hay. I’m not barreling out the back door of a diner to threaten a man I’m not sure I have the nerve to shoot, but I can’t let Axel do this alone. He might need me.
