Page 11 of Riding Wild

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“That was great back there. I… it’s been a while since I’ve…” I clear my throat and squeeze her closer. Given the circumstances, talking about sex seems ill timed, but we had to leave so quickly, I can’t let things go without telling her how much I enjoyed myself. “I hope I didn’t freak you out with the praise stuff. I—”

“No! It was perfect!” She scoots in closer until there’s not a breath of space between us. “I’m sorry we had to stop. I don’t know why the hell Trent would be messing with Nora.”

“My guess is he was watching you tonight. Or, he couldn’t find you and thought Nora would know where you were.”

She snaps her gaze toward me then redirects toward the road where someone is bent over a bike near a big pine at the curve.

What the hell is going on tonight?

As we inch closer, the headlights shine on a clump of weeds and a few crows picking at roadkill. Beyond that, my buddy Doc is leaning over the top of the seat.

I completely forgot he told me he was going for a ride tonight. Looks like things didn’t go so well.

Fuck!I should’ve checked on him. It’s an old bike and these builds go wrong all the time. God knows all these guys would rather sit on the side of the road trying to fix the damn thing than call anyone for help.

“I gotta pull over for a second. This guy is like a brother to me.”

May nods and slides toward the passenger door. “Of course. You think he’s hurt? He’s not looking so good.”

I thought he was working on a wheel, but the closer we get, the more I see what May sees. There’s a trail of blood and his shirt is crimson.

God damn it!

Leaving the engine on, I hop from the truck and round to his side. The night has gotten cooler and up here in the hills the scent of pine and cedar is strong. “Fucking hell, man. What are you doing out here? You look like shit.”

“Ah. I hit something and got tossed off the bike. I rolled my ankle and got my side cut up, but it’s nothing. With a few stitches and some Tylenol, I’ll be fine.” As usual, Doc doesn’t sound the least bit concerned. “You guys mind if I ride back with you? I was trying to get this back wheel spinning again, but I don’t think I’m going to make it out on the bike tonight.”

“Do you need a hospital?” May takes to his side, inspecting the gash. “You need to see a doctor. You—”

“Appreciate it, but I’ve handled things like this a hundred times.” He glances toward me then back at May. “You must be the date. It’s… pretty late. I guess this means things are going well?” Doc is an older guy in his early fifties, and he’s had his share of shit. The man spent close to two decades as an Army doctor, and if you sit and listen to his stories, he’s got some doozies. He told me once about a guy who he carried straight across a battlefield dodging landmines. The guy lost his leg, but his life was saved thanks to Doc’s medics. He’s also full of pride… and stubborn as hell when it comes to receiving any sort of help. Honestly, I’m surprised he didn’t start walking back through the woods tonight. His ankle must be pretty bad.

I swing my arm around him and help steady him toward the truck, sliding him in after May. The sweet scent May had lingering in the truck is replaced by the stench of road tar and dry grass. How the hell long has he been out here?

“You really should see a doctor,” May continues. “You’re bleeding pretty bad. What about infections and—”

“I appreciate it.” Doc says, tightening the shirt around his side. “What would help is a distraction. Why don’t you tell me how your date is going.”

“Now you’re just being nosey,” I grunt. “Don’t tell him. He’s got a reputation for gossip. I swear the man needs a knitting circle.”

May laughs and twists toward him. “Or you could tell me the grimiest story you have about Axel.” She shrugs and glances toward me. “And don’t tell me he can be an ass. That’s kind of growing on me.”

A flashing image of my come dripping off her lips less than an hour ago takes over my nerves and quiets my mind as she and Doc talk. Something tells me whatever story he’s going to tell will distract her mind as well.

“I think the worst story I could drag up about Axel is last year’s Christmas party.”

“Oh… tell me everything!” May’s tone lifts. Her eyes are on Doc, but her frame is pressed against mine.

“We were having a charity event for some unfortunate kids from the Springs. Sledding, wide open spaces, sleigh rides, Christmas trees, hot cocoa, presents, you name it. Well, your guy oversaw the sleigh rides. He’s got the horses hooked up, and he’s ready to go when a bear strolls out in front of us. Mid-day, fresh snow, and this bear must have been six hundred pounds. The guys and I are getting the kids inside, you know, trying not to traumatize them, but Axel goes full cowboy and pulls his gun.” Doc bursts into laughter. “The bear runs away at a single shot and the kids got more action than they ever saw in the city.”

May glances toward me. “Is that how you’re going to be with our kids? Not our kids, but kids. Kids… you know the kids you’ll have with someone that’s not me. Well, maybe me. But not now, of course. I mean…”

I land my hand on her thigh and glance toward her. If Doc weren’t sitting next to us taking notes of everything for his future TED talk, I’d tell her right here and now how much I want my babies inside of her. Instead, I go with a thigh squeeze and a soft smile. “It’s okay.”

“Weird to see someone at the diner so late,” Doc says, leaning forward to note the commotion happening out front.

“That’s Nora, and that’s Trent.” May grips my shoulder and stares up at me, fear in her small hand as she holds tight. “Promise me you won’t get hurt.”

I park the truck in front of the diner, leaving the headlights on high, hoping they disorient the asshole long enough to give me an edge.
