Page 115 of Hybrid Forgotten

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He lays down beside Amanda quickly, as if I might steal the space otherwise.

The lights go off in the main room and Sean comes into the bedroom.

I switch on the lamp, and he switches off the light.

“I think I’m ready to pass out,” Sean says with a yawn.

“Well, do it beside our mate.”

“You’re sure?” He asks.

“I mean, if you’re going to take a minute to decide, I’ll take the spot.”

He gets into bed. I can’t help but smile. I turn off the lamp and get in beside him.

Despite how turned on I am, I fall asleep easily.

I know I’ll get more time with my mate soon.

She’s not going anywhere.

Chapter sixty-seven


Ten Months Later

It’scrazyhowtimeflies when life is full. I spent my whole pregnancy getting ready for the babies, and, okay, having a lot of fun with my newly knot-endowed mates, and now they’re here and a whole month has passed in the blink of an eye.

It’s insane. I was huge by the end, and I’m still up a shoe size even if running around after the twins is helping me start to get back my old body. I managed not to miss any school until mid-November when Austin and Asher were born, which was when I decided to take a break to spend as much time with them as possible.

I knew I was having more than one kid, but finding out I was having identical twins was a total trip. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to tell them apart, but so far it hasn’t been so hard. They might look the same, like tiny baby versions of Parker, but they have totally different personalities.

Austin is stoic and barely ever cries which means I only ever know it’s time for feedings, changes, whatever, going by his dramatic brother Asher’s vocalizations. Also, Austin goes out like a light when it’s bedtime. Asher needs hugs and stories and rocking before he’ll eventually decide to be tired.

The boys might be normal human babies most of the time, but when they decide to use their wolf forms, they’re real trouble.

I step out of the bedroom and my foot connects with one of the dozens of Hot Wheels toy cars Sean has been buying the twins as if they’re old enough to play with those. They’re not, except when they’re in wolf form and they start running around, pushing the cars and chasing them across the floor. Okay, that’s cute. But tripping over the damn things so isn’t cute.

I pick it up and put it on the table. The house is looking pretty clean, and I’ve managed to avoid getting spit up on this morning, which is a good start.

Parker’s in the boy’s room, which is his old room, painted blue and white.

I head over there and stand in the doorway, ready to check in on how he’s doing.

His father kept contacting him, like we thought he would.

Parker eventually decided to give the guy a chance to prove he cared about him.

His dad had a hard time with the weekly calls, but he kept them up, and eventually they led to real talk and Parker came to realize he was just a guy who got put in a tough spot with a father who wasn’t willing to take no for an answer. His dad used to be different. Circumstances molded him into a harder shell, and he’s been trying to make things right between them.

Parker said yes to this first visit, to see him in person and let him meet his grandkids.

He’s been a little nervous about it, but I think it’s going to be good for him.

“Well, this feels typical,” Parker says, turning to me and motioning to the cribs.

As usual, the boys have picked their time to go wolf. They somehow have blondish fur that I think will darken later. Their onesies are ripped to bits and Asher is gnawing on his crib bars as if he’s a prisoner trying to get loose. He gives out a tiny growl as I approach, like he’s warning me he means business.
