Page 30 of Hybrid Forgotten

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“That kind of sounds like it should have meat in it,” Sean says.

“I’m guessing you asked Kelly the last time she called?” Amanda asks.

“Yeah, I was making some the last time she called, and Dante was taking forever to crawl out of bed, so we talked about it while she waited for him to drag his lazy ass out here.”

Dante snorts, shaking his head at me as he opens his can of soda.

“Knew it,” Amanda says, smiling at me before she takes her first bite of her sandwich.

Sean has already disappeared half of his before I’ve started on mine.

“Mmm. That’s good roasted cheese,” Amanda tells me.

“It is, but it could use some ham,” Sean says.

“Good idea,” Dante says, making a tiny motion with his fingers.

Both of their sandwiches magically bulk up. Sean opens his second half to see there’s now a thick slice of ham wedged in between the bread and cheese.

“Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but where did this come from?” he asks Dante.

It looks suspiciously like the ham that came on the rolls Sean went out and got us for breakfast.

Dante rolls his eyes. “It came from the deli down the street, and I left the money for it in their till.”

“You’re getting way too good at that,” Sean warns him.

“I only do it in emergency situations,” Dante protests.

I shake my head as I pick up my hot sandwich.

“A lack of ham is hardly an emergency,” Sean says.

“It’s always an emergency when there’s no ham,” Dante disagrees.

“Well, don’t use your power for ham, again, okay? We don’t need it that badly.”

Dante draws him a look. “Say that again once you’ve tasted it.”

Sean gives up protesting about Dante’s overuse of magic in everyday situations, and eats the rest of his sandwich, making small appreciative noises this time around.

Yeah, he definitely prefers it with the ham involved.

It’s gone in a few seconds flat.

“Well?” Dante asks, raising his eyebrows.

Sean takes a sip of water before he answers, “I guess, as long as you paid for it …”

“I knew you’d love it,” he says, before he takes a bite of his own.

We get through lunch without further incident.

No one mentions what happened last night.

We all know it’s not the time, and Amanda seems a lot more comfortable when the conversation stays light and revolves around nonsense. I don’t know how we’re going to get through the ride to the concert without mentioning it, but if it feels like she needs time to think about it, I’m going to have to find other things we can talk about.

Lunch is over before I can come up with anything other than asking her about school and her magic.
