Page 54 of Hybrid Forgotten

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“I thought Amanda can only hold so much magic because she’s a hybrid, but you’re a hybrid, too.”

He gives me a wry smile. “Amanda’s a beginner. It takes time to build up a tolerance for holding magic, and there is an individual component to it, too. Some witches and warlocks can work their way up to virtually unlimited reserves. Others can barely hold enough magic to levitate a pencil once a day, no matter how much they practice. I’ve always been able to hold a bit more than my sisters, and I can hold way more than I used to since … Well, I wouldn’t recommend being used as a magical battery, but that does seem to be the most useful side effect of what happened to me.”

“Nothing like that gets to happen to either of you,” I tell him. “Not while I’m your Alpha.”

He clearly doesn’t know how to take that protective statement, the same way he didn’t know how to take my offer to get him a car. That awkward energy creeps back into the room, and I’m trying to figure out how to navigate it, when I hear the door opening downstairs.

“They’re home,” I blurt as I set the coffee mug down and go to the door.

I tug it open to see Amanda coming up the stairs, Parker right behind her.

“Home at last,” I tell them.

Amanda smiles at me. “At last.”

Chapter thirty-one


Iwrapmyarmsaround Sean, pressing my face against his chest and enjoying a long hug.

Parker yawns behind us, before the door closes and I hear him turning the lock.

“That was some drive,” Parker says.

I let go of Sean. “I offered to take over a couple times.”

“That wouldn’t have been fair,” Parker tells me. “You didn’t know the roads and it was dark.”

“You could have at least let me take the wheel for the last couple hours,” I tell him.

“No, he couldn’t,” Sean says. “That would have meant you’d have to get out the car in the dark. It was safer to keep driving. Right, Park?”

“He basically gave me a rule book before he let me take the car,” Parker admits. “But I completely agree with that one.”

I shake my head. “It doesn’t matter now. We’re home.”

We’re home, and we have a confession to make.

Goddess, I don’t know how they’re going to take this.

“Let’s sit down for a second,” I start.

“You’re pregnant,” Dante says, getting up from where he was sitting at the table.

I blink at him. “How did you …”

“We’re connected to you,” Sean explains, putting his arm around me. “We all felt the blessing, and we felt it when it was accepted.”

“I wanted to talk it through with all of you before anything … But it just kind of happened,” I explain.

Sean shakes his head. “You were ready to accept it. It happened how it was meant to happen.”

He kisses my temple and moves my hair off my shoulder.

I look over at Dante, trying to read his expression.

Clearly, he’s amused, but I’m not sure why.
