Page 57 of Hybrid Forgotten

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A couple more years here and it’ll be weird to just leave.

It’s not an immediate concern, I guess.

I move from the windows, going across the room to the kitchen.

Parker’s the one who does the grocery shopping, usually, so I have no idea what’s in the fridge.

I open it and let out a relieved sigh. We have eggs and bacon, so I have everything I need to make breakfast. I bring the eggs out first, setting them down on the counter before I notice the box.

Letting the fridge close, I blink at it.

That wasn’t there last night.

It’s white, about the size of a shoe box, and it’s wrapped neatly with a red bow. The card sticking out from the bow readsHappy Valentine’s Day!

I told my mates they didn’t need to get me a gift, but Parker took me to that concert, and Dante promised me a gift despite my protestations. Sean listened when I told him how I felt, and he agreed, but I know how sweet he is, and I doubt he’d let an opportunity to do something nice for me pass him by.

There’s no way Dante would leave a gift for me to find. He’d be way to excited to see how I reacted.

Sean could have put it out on the counter when he got up to call the academy.

It must be from him. It’s the only answer that makes sense.

I run my fingers over the pretty ribbon, and a second later, I tug on the end, unravelling the bow.

The card falls away, and there’s nothing on it besides the printed holiday message.

I drum the tips of my nails on the counter.

All that’s left to do is lift the lid. I glance over at the bedroom door. I should probably wait for my guys to wake up. If I start making breakfast, it won’t be long before they come out for food.

I look at the box, wondering what the hell it could be, and curiosity gets the better of me.

I open the lid, and a flash of bright light makes me gasp out a breath and squeeze my eyes closed.

The heat from it feels like it’s burning my skin.

When I stumble back, I feel myself falling through the air.

The kitchen is gone when I open my eyes.

My surroundings are hazy, but I can tell I’m outside.

The box is on the ground beside me, and it’s empty.

I flex my fingers, but I can’t reach it.

A boot kicks the box further away from away.

I blink as I lock eyes with the person standing over me.

“Jake? What is this? What’s going on?”

He smiles at me, his bright eyes twinkling with amusement.

“What’s going on? I’m correcting our history, Amanda. Putting things back the way they were always meant to be.” He crouches down as I struggle to move. “You’re feeling sleepy, my mate. You should get plenty of rest before we begin reconnecting.”

I push harder to sit up, but I can’t. My body feels limp and useless.
