Page 73 of Hybrid Forgotten

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“Bullshit!Tell me where you put her, or I rip your spine out of your body, right fucking now.”

I can feel my claws coming out, my eyes glowing as I make the threat.

He stares back at me, his face turning colors as I cut off his air.

“Park, you need to dial it back a notch,” Dante murmurs at my side.

He’s right, but my anger is potent. I want this asshole to die.

He hurt Amanda more than enough before this moment to warrant it.

If he’s gone, he can never hurt her again.

Of course, if he’s gone, he can’t tell me where he put her, either.

I finally let my grip relax, and he gasps in some air.

“Why were you sleeping?” Dante asks.

Jake frowns at him. “None of your damn business.”

He sounds like shit, and he looks like shit, but he’s breathing and that pisses me off. He needs to tell us where our mate is so I can end him. I’m going to have to settle for torturing him until he breaks.

“It’s absolutely our business. Now tell us where Amanda is, or I start breaking your fingers.”

He frowns at me. “Are you fucking crazy? I don’t know where she is. Why would I? I’ve been here at home for months, ever since you guys ran me out of Wolf Creek.”

“Bullshit,” I spit out. “Stop lying to me.”

I grab his right hand and start bending his little finger back.

“Jesus fucking christ,” Jake curses, his face paling.

“Park, dude,” Dante mutters.

He thinks I’m going too far. Maybe I am.

We don’t know for sure that Jake took her.

All we really do know is how much of a prick he used to be.

Honestly, that’s enough for me.

I bend that finger back farther. “One little piggy’s going bye-bye, Jake.”

“Don’t!” he cries out trying to pull away. “I haven’t done anything! I swear!”

I hold it tight, not letting him move. I look at Dante and he frowns.

It’s kind of hard to take a liar seriously.

I shrug, and then push that finger back too far.

It snaps like a twig. He howls like a dog.

I grab the next finger in line. “One down. Nine more to play with.”

“Don’t,” he breathes, shaking his head. “I swear, I haven’t done anything. I don’t know where Amanda is.”
