Page 8 of Hybrid Forgotten

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It’s like the end of one of those movies where the goth girl has transformed herself into a normie, and it makes no damn sense. Amanda never would have expected Parker to change anything about himself to be with her.

“I know,” I tell him, closing the magazine.

He goes to the fridge and takes out a can of soda.

“Well, as long as you know,” he murmurs, giving me a wry smile from the other side of the counter.

“Because otherwise, it’s a sign of madness?” I ask.

“It’s probably a sign of madness, either way,” he says. “But no more so than sitting here waiting for updates when you know those two are too naked to care about checking in.”

He cracks open the can and takes a long drink.

Neither of us do well without the rest of our pack around us. Amanda brings out the light in Parker, and Dante challenges him. And I can’t concentrate on anything when they’re not here, clearly.

Without them around, we don’t seem to know what to do with ourselves.

“I’m taking Amanda out straight from school tomorrow,” Parker tells me.

“You mentioned that earlier,” I remind him.

“Are you sure you’re cool with me borrowing the car?” He sounds like he doesn’t believe it.

“I am,” I assure him, wondering when I got so relaxed about the car.

The Mustang was a passion project for so damn long, but it was just something to pour my energy into while I waited for my true mate to come along. Once Amanda walked into our lives, I didn’t care too much about the car of my dreams anymore.

I mean, it’s nice, but it’s just a car.

“I can’t believe I managed to get tickets,” he says, shaking his head. “I wish it was closer, but still. Amanda’s going to be psyched.”

I wish he wasn’t taking our girl to a crowded place in the nearest city, but I know I can’t lock us all in the apartment forever. So, I get to sit here at the table for two nights in a row, trying to keep my worries under control while I pretend to read a magazine. Fun times.

“Just look after Amanda,” I tell him, knowing he will.

“Don’t worry about that,” he says. “I’ve already called the venue. It’s run by shifters, and it’s warded against magic. And I’ve got Amanda’s coven on speed dial just in case.”

“Amanda’s coven?” I ask, wondering what he expects to happen at the concert.

“Cheryl and Rachel,” Parker explains as if I’d forgotten who they were, realization lighting his eyes before he adds, “Witches can teleport, so they can get there fast if we need them. Not that we will.”

“Right,” I murmur.

It’s easy to forget how simple it can be for witches to get around when they’re powerful enough.

“Dante can teleport, too,” I remind him.

“Yeah,” Parker mutters. “I know.”

“You’ll call him first, right? If you needed that kind of help?”

“You know I would.” Parker rolls his eyes. He takes another long drink from his can of soda.

My phone’s screen flashes, and I pick it up quickly, before it even starts to beep with the incoming text message sound.Finally.It’s been more than an hour since she responded to my last text.

I open the message from Amanda, my heart starting to thunder.

“Is it Amanda?” Parker asks.
