Page 92 of Hybrid Forgotten

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Her shoulders slump. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”

“You might not for a while,” he admits. “But you’ll get there.”

Chapter fifty-three


I’minWolfCreek,where my second choice of school is. It’s exactly where I’d be if Jake had rejected me, which I hate to think about. He didn’t reject me. He protected me. He was ready to claim me and mark me … before I woke up.

Yeah, of course it had to be a dream. Why would the guy I’ve spent most of my life pining for suddenly decide he wanted to be with me?

I might buy that, if it wasn’t for the sexy, soft-spoken Alpha and the tall, hunk of Beta, who are claiming to be my actual true mates. The witch with the blue hair told me I have three mates here, too. I’m guessing the quiet guy dressed in black is the third. He’s just as attractive as the other two.

I have three incredibly attractive mates here, where both halves of me are fully accepted.

Back in Fallen Pines, I might have one mate who’s been slow to accept me.

Which of those scenarios feels more like a dream, exactly?

“Can I talk to you two in the hall?” The Alpha asks, his gaze on the Beta.

I step back into the room because I’m kind of in the way otherwise.

“Just for a few minutes,” the Alpha tells me, his bright earnest gaze searing into mine.

Goddess, he’s so sweet. He’s too good to be true. No Alpha in the world is as nice as he is.

The other two guys move past me and close the door.

The witch gives me a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry, I thought the truth spell would shatter the memory erase he put on you. It worked with someone else today.”

“You know a lot of magic.”

“So do you,” she tells me, eyes lighting up. “And I can prove it.”

“I only know a few simple potions,” I tell her, shaking my head. And I might not even have gotten them right, if the way I felt with that magical hangover is anything to go by.

The witch goes to the open bathroom door, steps inside and runs the faucet.

Holding her hand out, she looks at me. “Come see.”

“Honestly,” I say, a little curious now that she’s looking at me so earnestly. “I don’t know how to do whatever it is you’re thinking.”

She ushers me over, anyway.

I don’t really have anything to lose by doing this.

If anything, it’ll prove I’m just a hybrid who can barely mix a potion.

She leads me to the sink, where the water is running.

“That seems like a waste,” I tell her.

“Put your hand under the stream and call the magic of Freya’s earth into you.”

I put my hand under the water, and I feel the faintest tingle in my fingers.

Pulling my hand back, I stare at it, wondering if I just imagined that feeling.
