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“Anything for my girl.”

My smile softens as a knot forms in my gut. Sebastian’s resourcefulness and total disregard for the norms of society leave me a little unsettled. For now, he uses his power for good to elevate me, but what if he ever turns against me and uses it to tear me down?

Suddenly this embryo growing inside me takes on a much greater significance. Will the child serve as a protection making me the sainted mother of his children or will it serve as a tool he’ll use to control me?

When I lift my gaze to his. He’s still smiling softly but the pensive look in those eyes tells me he’s studying me, wondering what I’m thinking and how he can always remain three steps ahead of me.

“Try to get some sleep, love,” Bash says, pressing the recline button on the control panel. My spacious seat glides back to a full horizontal position making a very comfy bed. “When we land it’ll be about 8 a.m. Moscow time and we have a big day ahead of us.”

Chapter 30 – Threading the Needle

Madisonispregnant!This development presents a marvelous opportunity as well as new complications. The stakes are so much higher now. Not only am I protecting my future wife, but I’m also protecting my little family.

Though her resistance to this fate is diminishing, it still persists. Her reluctance to embrace this way of life, not to mention the life growing inside her is a troublesome problem that must be solved soon. After all, I’ve proven to her that I’m a valuable asset to her not a liability to be renounced and rejected.

I know that deep inside she feels the harmony of our resonance, knows that we vibrate along the same frequency. That’s why we fit together so well that it feels as if we were literally made for each other.

When in her confused state, she attempts to stray from the path, I’ll be strong enough to hold us together in whatever form that takes. One day she’ll come to understand why I’ve done all that I have to secure our future.

On schedule, we touch down in Moscow to sunny but cool spring weather. Madison had a good night’s rest and is ready to tackle the day. We debark the Gulfstream jet and into the crisp air to walk across the tarmac and into the bustling Sheremetyevo International Airport. A baggage handler follows behind us carrying our luggage on a trolley as we make our way through the busy terminal. Our driver is holding up a sign for us and within minutes we’re in the BMW sedan making our way down the highway toward the city.

I keep a 2-bedroom apartment in the Tverskoy district, one of the more affluent areas home to many businessmen and professionals. As Madison gazes out the car windows in wonder, she declares it feels like we’re in any world-class European city. She concedes it’s like being in Manhattan, only much cleaner and less noisy.

We arrive at my place and the driver helps haul our luggage into the apartment. Nick had recently stayed here, and the cleaning lady aired out the place yesterday so it would be in prime condition for our arrival.

I intentionally chose to arrive on the day that Victor was away and wouldn’t return to Moscow until tomorrow evening. This would give Madison and I time to explore the city and see many of the iconic landmarks. I want to do this before any potentially unpleasant business takes place upon introducing her to Victor. I don’t want anything to sour her initial impressions of my home country.

“I hope you can be comfortable here for the next few days,” I say as she looks around the place with a satisfied smile.

“I like it,” she says, wandering from the chic kitchen to the living room. “It’s really nice, Bash.” She looks at me. “You only come here once a year? It just sits here empty all the rest of the time?”

“Nick uses it whenever he’s in town as well as other family members. I occasionally rent it out Airbnb style,” I reply as I follow her into the master bedroom.

“All the modern amenities,” she says surveying the bathroom with the granite countertops and large garden tub and separate shower.

I lean against the door frame. “Try not to sound so surprised, will you?”

She turns to me. “I confess, maybe western media has colored my outlook a little more than I realized. I stand duly corrected.”

“And you haven’t even seen the sights yet, but prepare to be dazzled, my dear.”

She walks over to me, wraps an arm around my waist. “From what I’ve seen, Moscow’s almost as beautiful as you.” She kisses me. “How did they let one of its most valued treasures escape?”

“Meh, they loaned me out, Moscow’s still my home. New York is a close second.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “You want to go get some breakfast and see the city on foot?”

“Yep, let’s do it. Just let me freshen up first.”

The enthusiasm in her voice warms me, gives me greater hope that she won’t object to us spending more time here. Maybe someday, calling it our second home.

It’s about a twenty-minute walk to Red Square, the heart of Moscow, it’s iconic center. On my phone, I show Madison where we’re headed for breakfast. The location is adjacent to Red Square.

I chuckle when she pronounces GUM (State Department Store) like the word gum. I tell her it rhymes with room, not gum. The actual place itself rivals the most opulent shopping malls in the U.S. and there are many charming cafes along the way. We stop in one just short of the GUM for breakfast.

I love the way Mads’ face lights up at our surroundings and how at ease she is. I’m impressed when she makes an attempt at ordering her food in Russian. The waitress smiles politely and tells her that she understands English.

Mads smiles self-deprecatingly and proceeds to ask for the Blini pancakes with honey, pelmeni filled with potatoes and expresso.

“The city is so vibrant and majestic, Bash. I’m so glad I came.”
