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Boba suddenly hollers in agony and thrusts the bag away. Sergei whips his head around at the commotion, at the same moment, Mikhail opens the door and whistles. In charges Vinny, his huge rottweiler with savage jaws. It goes right for Sergei. As it flies at him, Sergei turns his gun on Vinny.

All hell breaks loose as the rottweiler goes full beasts on Sergei, I grab a gun and begin freeing Madison’s bonds. Stieg has wrestled Sergei’s gun away while Yuri and Mikhail make short work of the others. Boba is writhing on the floor in agony from poison delivered by the scorpion’s sting, the one I’d placed in the diamonds bag.

Madison is clinging to me as I release her ankles and pull her off the bed. I throw my coat around her, hand her the car keys and order her to run! She takes off down the hall.

Mikhail gives a sharp whistle and Vinny obediently comes to heel at his side. Sergei is bloody but still breathing, he climbs to a kneeling position and glares at us. “You dare come up against your boss!” he roars.

I retrieve the cassette player from the side pocket of the money bag. I take the pictures of him attempting to assault my mother and throw them at him.

He croaks a laugh. “That stupid whore, she went for the wrong brother.” He pulls himself up onto the bed. He turns his baleful gaze onto Mikhail, “Miserable piece of shit traitor. You’ll pay for this.”

I press the button on the cassette player. Sergei’s voice comes through the speakers, “This is a photo of Alexi Petrosky. You must make it appear to be a robbery. Kill him, but you must shoot me too in the leg, here.” Now the Albanian’s voice. “Count the money.” A few seconds of silence. The color has drained from Sergei’s face as I glare at him. “It’s all here, seventy-five thousand,” the Albanian voice says. “Then you do it, Thursday after we finish collections. You’ll get the other seventy-five thousand then.”

I go cold as ice as I walk over to the closet and search for the machete I know Stieg keeps there.

“Your father was weak, didn’t know how to run the business. I was the true boss who raised the family to this level. I made us great!” His pale blue eyes go wide with panic when he sees what’s in my hand. He lunges for something beneath the pillow Madison had been laying on. A gun?

Mikhail jumps him and begins reigning down blows on his head until he drops the gun. Stieg tosses it out of the way and backs away from him.

As I approach, Sergei locks eyes with mine, his face twists into a hideous scowl. “Don’t you want to know why your bitch of a mother left you behind to be raised by me? Why I made you my heir,” he wipes the blood from his nose with a thick hand. “Your mother wasn’t some saint fleeing a monster, she was mine,” he thumps his chest with a heavy fist, “before she started spreading her legs for Alexi.” He then hisses, “But not before I putyouin her belly. And now, son…will you kill your own father?” he asks with a villain’s smile.

This revelation comes as no shock. Deep down, did I know? Had I suspected all along? Hearing the truth finally spoken aloud has the exact opposite effect of what he’d hoped.

When the blade sinks down into Sergei’s shoulder, he realizes how grossly he misjudged me. He throws his hands up defensively, but I strike him again and again. He falls off the bed onto the floor but fueled by years of rage and grief, I keep hacking away at him never intending to stop.

“…enough. He’s dead, Bash. Stop.” I hear Stieg’s voice in my rage. But I keep going even though I can barely recognize Sergei as a person anymore.

“Sebastian, stop!” comes Madison’s voice. I turn to find her standing there in the doorway with my coat clutched around her. Her face is a mask of horror as she stares at me in shock. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and understand why. I’m covered head to toe in Sergei’s blood and guts.

Her face softens when I let my arms fall to my side. Only then do I recall that as a seasoned surgeon, Madison is no longer horrified at the sight of gore.

Boba is on the floor, his eyes are mere slits in his bloated face. His writhing has slowed, but he’s still breathing. As Madison glares at him, her face morphs into a vicious scowl. She walks over to Boba, apparently recalling how he’d pressed his groin to her face and threatened to do all manner of vial things to her. Swiftly, she snatched the machete from my hand and drops down next to Boba. Unlatching his belt, she yanks his pants down exposing his genitals. Wielding the machete with a surgeon’s precision, she swings it down between his legs and severs his dick and ball sack clean off.

She slings the bloody organs in his face. “Suck on that, motherfucker!” she bellows and spits on him. Tossing the machete to the floor, she storms out of the room and down the corridor.

“I’ll take care of this mess,” Stieg says. “You’d better go after her…boss.”

I nod at him. Knowing the danger is over, I take a quick moment to wash off my face and hands of Sergei’s blood. I’ll dispose of my clothes later. I need to get to Madison.

When I get down to the bottom of the stairs, Madison is waiting for me with a haunted expression on her face. I throw my arms around her, and though she doesn’t pull away, she’s stiff as a board. I’ve got to get her out of here.

“Come on,” I say and take her by the arm to lead her out into the parking lot. I take one of the beater cars with the keys already under the seat. I’ll dispose of it afterward to destroy any blood traces connecting me to Sergei’s death.

We drive home in shocked silence.

Chapter 17 – What in the Hell Did I Expect?

So,thisiswhatit feels like to be in shock. To be abducted from one’s automobile, stripped of your clothing, and strapped to a bed while vile men ogle you. This is what it feels like to have a fat pig of a man rub his disgusting groin against your face, and to have the barrel of a gun pressed to your brow because your boyfriend robbed him of his bookie haul. This is what it feels like to live in fear that you’re about to be brutally gang raped and murdered.

This is what it feels like to watch your boyfriend come through the door to rescue you and to butcher the man who had the audacity to touch what was his alone.

I’m numb, in a mindless daze, wondering how did I get here. And what do I do now to bring my life back into a semblance of order? At the same time, I know full well that I’ve crossed a line and can never go back to normal.

When we pull up to our home. I notice that there’s a car outside with two men sitting in it. They’re definitely not cops from the look of them.

“They’re part of my security team,” Sebastian says just above a whisper so as not to jar the silence.

I nod, other than that I feel incapable of moving. Sebastian gets out of the car and comes around to my side. He opens the door and gently takes me by the arm.

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