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Exerting his dominance, he drives his shaft deep inside me, hard and fast, each of his powerful thrust punctuated with a grunt of rage and gratification. As angry as I am, involuntary moans of pleasure escape me and I greedily arch my back, tilting up to give him better access to go deeper. My blatant desire shames me, my slickness is a bold testament to how badly I want this, and he knows it.

“You’re mine, say it!” he growls, as he pumps madly inside me.

I moan with pleasure even as I grit my teeth.

“Say it!” as his hips flex and pulse in perfect control.

“Never!” I blurt out in my defiance.

He slips his fingers down between my thighs and begins working that clit like he owns it and I come undone.

“Say it, Mads. You’re mine!”

As I crest higher and higher toward sublime orgasm, I cry out, “I’m yours!”


“I’m yours!” I roar.

“Say my name!”

“Sebastian,” I cry. “Damn it, I’m yours.” I climax so hard, it feels like I’m peeing myself as my own ejaculate squirts out.

“Fuck yeah!” Bash shouts in the tight grips of the orgasm that nearly buckles his knees. His cum shoots into me in steady pulses, filling me with his seed. “Fuck me,” he gasps trying to catch his breath. He collapses down over me, his chest against my back. “Holy shit, Mads,” he breathes in my ear. “I’m yours. Oh, God, I’m yours.”

For the next few hours, we barely say a word to each other as I tend to Stieg. His prognosis looks good and he should be well enough for Lorna to take him home tomorrow. My new reality begins to settle in and I have no one else to blame but myself.

During the hour-long drive back home, we’re mostly silent as we both contemplate the magnitude of all that transpired this weekend. We got engaged and we made our official appearance as a couple. Bash was almost shot, and I failed to report Stieg’s gunshot wound after performing surgery on him. And finally, I’ve been informed that I’m to be their official on-call surgeon or I can kiss my medical career goodbye.

But would Bash really do that to me? The hard look in his eyes told me he’d do it in a heartbeat if I ever tried to leave him and this life.

I hate that I put myself in this position. I hate that I’m in love with Bash and crave him like an illicit drug. I recall seeing patients strung out on heroine and worse, while I treated them, I remember despising what they had become and wondering how they could’ve let it happen. Well, now I know because I’ve met my opiate of choice and it goes by the name of Sebastian Petrosky.

Bash is right, I had multiple opportunities to put a stop to all this. Yet I blindly chose to follow him down this dark path, blinded by his beauty and charm, and the panty-soaking things he did to me in the bedroom.

I own it and only pray that he protects me as he promised and will never let my moonlighting ever come to see the light of day.

We’re about twenty minutes out from home when I feel his hand upon mine. Surprised, I glance at him, but he keeps his eyes straight ahead as he caresses my hand.

“I’m sorry about the way things went down back there. You have to know that while I may need the surgeon, I love the woman. My heart is yours no matter what.”

I remain silent, angrier at myself than anything else.

“We’ll both make incredible sacrifices for each other – because we love each other more than anything. But my God, we can have such a good life together, Mads. That’s all I want.”

He squeezes my hand. I nod reluctantly.

“Of course, I’m removing all the kitchen knives and sharp items, so I don’t have to worry about waking up bleeding out a carotid artery.”

His deadpan delivery caught me off guard and despite all that’s happened, I find myself chuckling. “That’s the price you pay for dating a surgeon. Live in fear my friend. Live in fear.”

He’s smiling too. “I’ll take my chances. We all have to die someday, if I have to go at your hands, so be it.” He looks at me. “But I will come back and haunt you. You’ll never have a day’s rest, lady.”

We adjust our hands so that our fingers are entwined representing our tentative truce.

“I love you, Dr. Graham. God help me, but I do.”

I smirk. “Then we should both have our heads examined because…I love you too, Bash.”
