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Content with that knowledge, we drive the rest of the way home in silence, but our hands remain joined.

I welcome the return of the routine life back at the hospital. When I check in with Dr. Weiss, I recall the information that Bash gave me. Emma cheated on her medical school exams while she struggled with motherhood. Had she not been dealing with the stresses of a newborn, I’ve no doubt she’d have been capable of passing them on her own merit. But this information certainly cast her in a whole different light. She’s fallible and doesn’t deserve to be on any pedestal we students have placed her on.

“Good morning, Dr. Weiss,” I say with a knowing smile when I run into her at the nurses’ station.

“Madison.” She smiles back apprehensively as if she suspects something is up but has no idea what. Knowledge is power, Dr. Weiss, I want to say as I continue on my way.

Things are pretty slow today. No interesting procedures taking place in the OR, at least nothing I’m interested in adding to my procedures list. So, I stick to the ER, lending a hand wherever I can.

While I’m stitching up a minor head wound, I reflect on my situation and begin to consider that things might not be as bleak as I had imagined. My medical career here is secured given the information I have on the chief resident and the DEA haven’t returned or attempted to contact me. Sebastian has assured me that I’ll only be called in to work on high profile associates and that a nurse will be used for more routine procedures. In two weeks, they’ll be announcing the residency selections and I’ll get a few months off before I begin my residency.

A few relaxing weeks on a Caribbean Island in an overwater bungalow is just what this doctor needs after all the chaos of the last few weeks. I’m still not so sure about going to Moscow with Sebastian for some archaic bride “approval” process.

Just as I’m wrapping up with my patient, Emma comes around the curtain and stands there with arms folded across her chest.

“Oh, hey, I’m almost done here,” I say, assuming she needs me to see another patient.

She walks over and whispers, “Your DEA friends are back.”

My shoulders immediately tense up.

“Afterward, you and I need to have a very serious talk,” she said stiffly.

I turn to look her in the eyes. “Yes, indeed we do, Dr. Weiss,” I say, matching her tone.

Her brows hike up as I hold her gaze. Bewildered by my bold attitude, she leaves without another word.

I finish with my patient and immediately phone Sebastian to apprise him of the situation.

“You know the drill, babe,” he calmly says, “Call me as soon as you’re done.”

Agents Roberts and Hall are waiting for me in the office, both are standing looking expectantly at me. Robert’s smirk sends a jolt of anxiety through me. He thinks he has something this time.

“Ms. Graham,” he says, motioning for me to take a seat. “Thank you for meeting with us again, we hope to make this quick and painless.”

“I’d appreciate that,” I say as I sit behind Emma’s desk.

“Would you mind going back over the events of the night of November 28th?”

When I stare blankly at him, he adds, “That’s the night Sergei Petrosky was last seen at the strip club Last Call. I believe,” he glances at his notes, “your shift ended at 6:30pm. Tell me about how you got home that night.”

I sit back with arms folded across my chest. “Haven’t we been over this?”

“I’m going to remind you that you’ll do serious time for lying to a federal investigator. I’m giving you a chance to come clean, Ms. Graham.”

And just like that, I’m nervous again. What in the blazes do they know? If it were truly solid, they’d be arresting me, not asking more annoying questions. Are they bluffing. Either way, I have to be extremely careful about what I say.

“It’s been several weeks so my memory of that day may be a bit fuzzy,” I begin with that to give me a little cover.

“That’s understandable,” Roberts says flatly. “Just do your best starting from when your shift ended at 6:30pm.”

I’m careful to maintain eye contact as I reply, “But I couldn’t drive my car home due to some engine trouble. Sebastian picked me up and took me home.” I offer not one word more. I’m a hundred percent certain that there are no security cameras in the parking garage, so there’s no chance they witnessed me being abducted by Sergei’s men.

“And Sebastian took you straight home?”

I stare at the ceiling as if trying to recall. “Hmm, I think, we might have stopped off on the way home to pick up a bite to eat first.”

I sense him hone in on this as his eyes narrow. “Where did you go for this bite?”
