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Liam didn’t need any more encouragement. He pulled all the way out and then slammed right back in, making sure to hit my g-spot. I gave a loud moan as Liam did it again, picking up his pace. He didn’t hold back, not even for a second. Each thrust was power. Each thrust was anger and pent-up sexual frustration. And I loved it. The legs of the table scuffed the floor with each powerful thrust as we moved forward just slightly with each pound he gave me.

He made sure his thrusts were hitting my sweet spot dead on, causing me to see stars as my pleasure was being taken to new heights. Heights, I didn’t even think were possible.

“Oh yes, fuck. Don’t stop,” I begged as I felt my climax was in reach.

A few more sharp thrusts against my sweet spot and my whole body tensed up right before the dam broke, and I was giving a loud and deep groan as my body pulsed harder than it ever had before. Black dots danced across my eyes as my whole body turned into a wet noodle. I couldn’t even move, even if I wanted to as I continued to pulse with every deep thrust of his cock. I had never came for so long in my life, and I never wanted it to stop. Every time I felt his cock gliding over my sweet spot, it sent me over that cliff all over again. I knew women could have multiple orgasms. I just never knew it could happen all in a row without a break.

Liam picked up his pace. They were becoming erratic, and I knew it wasn’t going to be long before he was joining me in the bliss. He snapped his hips forward and let out a long growl as he came hard and deep inside of me. I couldn’t help but moan at feeling him pulsing inside of me. It was one of my favorite feelings, and it caused me to pulse right along with him.

Holy fuck.

My whole body was tingling as I struggled to catch my breath. I could feel Liam’s hot breath against my back as I knew he was fighting to gain control over himself. Shit, I thought the last time was earth shattering. I had no idea what to call it this time around. Universe shattering? Is that a thing?

Maybe it was better because he was the father of my child. Some sort of connection that I shared with him. Or maybe it was the fact that the past four years with Adam had been other than satisfactory in the bedroom. Adam had always enjoyed it and got off, but it seemed like he stopped caring if I would as well. He had always had that problem though, but it got worse once he discovered I was pregnant. It was like he figured he didn’t have to try so hard to give me pleasure. Or he figured I didn’t need it any longer.

I felt Liam slowly starting to pull out of me and even after he was no longer inside of me, I still could feel him. I was going to be able to feel him for a couple of days at this rate, but I didn’t mind. I missed good sex. Too bad it was with a guy that I couldn’t seem to stand being around. How was it possible for two people to have many differences, but have a deep sexual chemistry that was off the charts?

It was like some sick cosmic joke.

I felt the heat from his body disappearing from behind me, followed by the clicking of his belt. I forced my body to move and stand up straight. I put the straps back up on my dress. There was no need to get my panties back on. He had ripped them off, which was very hot at the time, now slightly awkward as they laid in a heap on the floor.

I needed to do something, so I went over to the sink and grabbed the cloth and ran it under warm water. There was still flour all over the table that needed to be cleaned up and dishes to be washed.

“You don't have to do that,” Liam’s sudden voice sounded louder than it was. But in the tense quiet of the kitchen it sounded like it was vibrating off each wall.

“I came down to clean,” I pointed out.

I didn’t want to be here either, but mostly that was due to the awkwardness that was now settling over the kitchen. Last time, things were so simple. We talked. We laughed and drank before we had sex again. This time around, it was just an awkward, tense silence, and I didn’t know what to do. I had never been in this position, not even with Adam when we fought. We never had make up sex. We never had sex in the heat of an argument. This was all new territory to me, and I had no idea what to do.

“It would be best if you just went to the nanny suite. Jeremy can stay with Christian this one time.”

The tightness was back in his voice, and it pissed me off, but it also hurt me. Why did this have to be so hard? Why couldn’t we just clean the kitchen and then go our separate ways? He was literally dismissing me from doing something that I was already coming down to do. Not to mention part of this was my job. I hated when I was dismissed from a job because my boss felt like I wasn’t capable of doing it or he could do it better.

I knew he wasn’t firing me because he said Jeremy could spend this one night with Christian. Obviously, that meant there would be other nights we were here. That didn’t take the sting of hurt away though. I turned around, fully prepared to tell him off. To tell him that I could clean up after myself, and I didn’t need his help. The words died on my lips though at the sight of him.

Sure, he was all sexy and disheveled from our spontaneous romp in the kitchen. However, there was also a hurt within his eyes that I hadn’t been expecting. He was battling with some demon; one I was not privy to. He wasn’t dismissing me because he was still angry at me. He was dismissing me because he needed me gone.

Under different circumstances, I would have argued. I would have told him no, that we needed to talk about whatever it was that was currently bothering him. However, that was the circumstance that we were facing. And despite the epic sex, I was still mad at him for what he said to me and how he treated me when he came back. Maybe some time apart was exactly what we needed.

I placed the damp cloth down in the sink before I turned and headed out the back door. I still needed to bring all of our things into the new place. A place I hadn’t even seen yet. I was too busy with the boys to go and check it out. I wasn’t going to be able to get any sleep just yet. I might as well turn all of my pent-up emotions into making sure the apartment was ready for Jeremy. Because whether Liam liked it or not, we weren’t going anywhere. Not until he said the words, you’re fired. He wanted what was best for his son; well so did I. And I didn’t scare very easily.


Pickingupthecloth,I went over to the table and started to clean up the flour. I ignored the slight tremble in my hands as I tried to focus on what needed to be done and not what had just happened. I didn’t even know what happened. I knew I kissed her first. I knew I was very much involved in the sex. I had never lost control like that before though. Despite what Jasmine said, I wasn’t controlling. I just preferred for everything to be in order and routine. Sometimes that could come across as controlling, but it wasn’t intentional.

There was a peace, a comfort in knowing what was going to happen. In being able to predict what consequences could come from your actions. What happened in this kitchen tonight, before and after I got home, was messy chaos and that wasn’t something I was comfortable with. I shouldn’t have yelled at her. I knew that. I shouldn’t have allowed my own emotions to get the best of me and for them to come out as anger.

Jasmine was easy going. She most likely would have understood if I had just told her the truth instead of allowing my emotions to get too hot, too fast. If I had told her that seeing a mess made me feel uncomfortable and anxious, she most likely would have understood and we both could be cleaning right now and nothing more would come from it.

Only now I had just screwed an employee, a nanny no less, and it was going to make everything more complicated. It was already complicated because I had slept with her and discovered she was Francis’ daughter. Before tonight, it could have been written off between Francis and I if the truth ever came to light. I didn't know Jasmine was his daughter that night. However, now, there was no excusing it. I knew exactly who she was when I fucked her.

It didn’t matter that Francis and I had drifted apart in a sense over the decades. It didn’t matter that we weren’t very close, certainly nowhere near as close as we had been growing up. None of that mattered because we had known each other practically our whole lives. Because we knew each other’s darkest secrets. We were connected and that was not going to change outside of death or a mistake of that proportion. Sleeping with his only child will pretty much do it. It would have been better if I slept with his wife in their bed.

The sudden ringing of my phone caused me to startle. I hadn’t been expecting anyone to be calling me. I was praying it wasn’t Janice with another emergency meeting. The last one hadn’t gone over so well, and I wasn’t looking for a repeat. I dried my hands off as I went over to my jacket that was hanging by the door. In my hurry to check on Christian, I didn’t even think about grabbing my phone.

Oh, you have got to be kidding me. The bolded letters on my screen were mocking me.

