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“They shouldn’t be in the same room. Your son has his own bed that he should be sleeping in. I don't want him in my son’s bed,” I growled. “And what the fuck happened to my kitchen?”

“One, keep your voice down,” she countered with a deadly calm tone. If I hadn’t been so pissed off, my mind would have clicked into how dangerous this situation could get. “Two, the boys wanted to have a sleepover. I wasn’t aware this was the prince and the fucking popper. And three, you ever yell at me like that again and I am done. You can find yourself a new nanny to care for your child. I will not tolerate you acting like a complete pompous asshole to me.”

I slowly stalked towards her. I was completely done with women today. I was done with their attitude. I was done with their threats. I was just fucking done. It was bad enough I had to deal with Ellis and whatever bullshit she was going to be throwing my way. I didn’t need shit when I came home. This was my house. I had every right to be pissed off when it looked like a fucking landfill.

“I am your boss. You work for me. I pay you to watch my son. I pay you to stick to his schedule. I pay you to make sure that everything is okay in this house. I don’t pay you to talk back to me. I don’t pay you to make a mess of my house and not clean it the fuck up. If you don’t like the expectations that I have for my employees, then you can get back in your car and go back to your fiancé that you left heartbroken at the altar and beg him to take you back.”

Harsh? Probably. Will I regret some of this come morning? Most likely. The problem was I couldn’t think rationally. I couldn’t calm down when it felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. Something that got worse every time my traitorous eyes traveled over to the mess that was supposed to be my kitchen. I could feel my blood pressure pulsing in my temples. I could hear my father’s voice telling me that a home is a reflection of the man, and a dirty home means a dirty man which means a failure. Something that was never allowed to happen growing up. You didn’t fail. You didn’t get anything less than perfect at school.

Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.

She stepped closer to me, putting us only a few inches apart. She was pissed. I could see the fire burning within her eyes. She was the exact opposite of Ellis. Her and I, we practically never fought and when we did, Ellis would just huff and storm away. I swear she used to start fights just so she could have an excuse to leave, get drunk, and cheat on me.

One of the biggest differences though between her and Ellis. Ellis never let the house get dirty. She knew to make sure it was always clean, and she had her own desires to have everything perfect so it looked like our family was perfect. Jasmine though, that free spirit of hers just might be the death of me at this rate.

“First of all, I don’t ever need a man. I am more than capable of taking care of myself. And I refuse to be in a relationship, much less a marriage, with someone that I don’t love. That I barely even like.”

Which was one of the things I liked about her. I knew from that first day I met her that she was a strong and independent woman. I actually never thought she would get married so her running out was both surprising and not surprising to me.

“As for you. You asked me to be here, not the other way around. So you don’t get to stand here and lecture me and try to make it seem like you were doing me the favor. You needed a nanny, and I have to imagine that any professional nanny would have ran screaming from this house at the list of your demands. You want me to leave, fine. Good luck finding someone to be your punching bag. You self-centered, anal-retentive, controlling son of a …”

She was unable to finish her sentence as my mouth crushed hers. I had no plans of kissing her, but apparently my body had other ideas. I felt her tense for a second from surprise. I was surprised too. I pulled back, breaking the kiss, and I had no idea what to even say to her. I wasn’t certain as to why I kissed her. It happened so fast I hadn’t had time to even think about what I was doing or why. Did I do it so she would finally shut up? Or did I do it because she had been so sexy standing up to me?

Probably both.

We were still only an inch apart from each other. I had let her go, but she didn’t move back. That fire in her eyes was still there, only it was burning hotter for a whole different reason. We were both breathing heavily. Our bodies still worked up from our argument. Time seemed to stand still as we both continued to stare at each other. I should have moved back. I should have gone deeper into my kitchen and began cleaning it. It was like I couldn’t move though. Moving would break the spell, and I surprisingly didn’t want it broken just yet.

But the spell was broken. Not by me, but by Jasmine as she closed the gap between us and pressed her lips against mine.


Hisbackslammedintothe wall as our mouths devoured each other. I felt his tongue licking at my lips, and I easily opened my mouth to allow his tongue to invade me. This was probably really stupid, but he felt so good against me I couldn’t resist him. His hands moved up my body, over my ass and my back until he reached the straps of my dress. He pulled them down and my breasts bounced free from the cotton material. His hands were instantly moving over to them, roughly pinching my nipples. The slight sting of pain caused me to whimper in pleasure.

This was what my body had been craving. A rough tumble. One fueled with passion and animalistic needs. I grabbed his shirt and ripped it open. The clicking of a few buttons hit the floor, but it didn’t deter him away from the kiss. I roamed my hands along his bare chest, and I could feel the ridges of his muscles under my finger tips. He broke the kiss and made his way down my body. Kissing along my neck, down to my chest, and taking each of my nipples into his mouth one at a time.

I ran my fingers through his hair and arched back into his mouth. I felt his hand slip under my dress and over to my panties. I had been expecting him to pull them down, but with one good tug, he ripped them off. He removed his mouth from my nipple as he backed us up towards the table. Once I felt my legs hitting it, he hiked my dress up enough so it would clear the table. His left hand went and pushed gently on my chest forcing me to lay down on the kitchen table.

Vaguely, it crossed my mind that I was laying in the flour that we had been arguing about. All of that went out the window though when he grabbed my legs and lifted them up, spreading them as wide as possible as he did. I held onto my inner thighs and kept my legs bent for him. I watched as he got down onto his knees as he ran a finger down my wet folds.

I moaned as I felt his thick finger slipping inside of me. It morphed into a mewl at the feeling of his hot tongue giving my wet pussy a long lick up to my clit. He sucked on my clit as he worked his finger all the way inside of me. He worked me hard and fast. He had zero interest in going slow, and I was more than fine with that. My whole body felt like it was on fire, and the need to feel more than his finger inside of me was growing too great.

“Oh fuck,” I deeply moaned as I wiggled my hips to try and get more friction.

I could feel my orgasm building in the pit of my stomach. and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was cumming. I felt him add a second finger and he began to scissor and stretch me. I was in desperate need of his cock inside of me. It had been too long since I had had a good fuck.

After a few more thrusts with his fingers, he hit my sweet spot dead on, and I couldn’t help the small scream that erupted from me as pleasure shot up my spine. His tongue continued to rub fast circles over my clit in between sucking on it, and after only another moment, I felt the walls of my pussy tightening up as a heat washed over me.

“Liam,” I groaned as I began to pulse and cum all over his fingers.

He gave a soft growl as he removed his fingers and began to lick and suck at my pussy. Trying to get every last drop that I had for him as my sweet taste flooded his mouth. He continued to lick and suck until my body stopped pulsing. I whined as he moved back. and I was denied the added pleasure. I knew something better was coming though.

He reached into his back pocket, and he pulled out his wallet before grabbing a condom. He tossed his wallet down onto the table and he opened his pants. His hard cock was quick to free itself, and I felt my mouth water at the memory of how good he tasted. How amazing his cock felt running along my tongue. My eyes had been locked on it so intensely that I didn’t even notice he got the condom on until I felt his hand on the back of my neck.

He pulled me up before he quickly turned me around and pushed me down onto the table so my torso was flat against it. His hands moved to the bottom of my dress and lifted it up, revealing my ass to him as he kicked my legs part more. Just as I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance, his left hand ran up my back until it gripped the back of my neck. Not tight, but enough to keep me in place, and I couldn’t contain the moan as my pleasure spiked at the possessive hold. I didn’t mind a man that could take control in the bedroom.

I felt him slowly pushing his cock inside of me, and I groaned at the sensation of finally being full. It had been too long since I felt a big cock filling me up, four years to be exact. He continued to push in, and he didn’t stop until he bottomed out. I could hear him groaning and breathing heavily. His right hand was on my hip, and his grip was tight as he fought to control himself. But I didn’t want control. I wanted a wild animal.

“Don’t hold back. Fuck me hard and deep,” I pleaded.
