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“Oh Honey, you went nuclear. What the fuck happened?”

“So much,” I said with a sigh before I continued. “I was gonna go through with it. I swear, but then I was standing there and looking around and I realized I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t devote my life to him. I don’t love him. He doesn’t love me. It’s all fake and a business transaction. I couldn’t force myself or Jeremy to live that type of life.”

“I get that. Though, it would have been better for you to come to that enlightenment before you put the dress on. He could have just told everyone you had to be rushed to the hospital for something, and the wedding was postponed.”

“Yeah, I’ll remember that the next time I decide to be a runaway bride,” I teased as I playfully rolled my eyes.

He gave a chuckle before he spoke, “So where are you? And how is little man?”

“He’s good. Thankfully, he’s too young to really understand what is going on. Believe it or not, I am actually all the way out in Oregon. In this small beach town. It’s actually gorgeous.”

“Damn. Okay, how the hell did you get there? Or why there?”

“By choice and not by choice I guess. After I left the church, the rental car broke down. I was stuck on the side of the road, and when a car did pull up, it was Liam. He’s a man that I spent an amazing night with four years ago only to see him again at my wedding and to discover he is my father’s best friend from childhood.”

“Girl! The plot thickens! You had no idea he was your dad’s best friend?”

I could hear the excitement flooding in his voice and I knew he would be sitting up straight right now just chomping at the bit to hear more.

“They had been best friends since childhood, but my parents don’t have any personal photos up. You’ve seen their house. I had absolutely no idea.”

“Okay, so Mr. Sinful pulls up,” he presses.

“He asked if I was okay and he ended up offering me a job as his live-in nanny. He has a sweet little three-year-old boy, Christian. His mother isn’t in the picture, and with Liam being a billionaire he is often traveling for work. He needed someone to be here taking care of Christian until he is in school in the fall.”

“Oh! It’s like a romcom. You lucky bitch. Obviously, you took the job. When did you start?”

“Today technically. I was only used to get here and get settled in, but he had an emergency meeting he had to get to. This place though, it’s something else. Ya, it’s beautiful and massive, but the whole place is super clean. Like, you could perform surgery in any room of the house, clean.”

“OCD? A man with that level of wealth, kinda goes hand in hand with control.”

“I guess. He has Christian on a very tight schedule, and I figured maybe that was because he wanted to make sure the new nanny did everything the right way. But tonight while he was gone, I was cooking dinner, and I decided that sugar cookies would ve a great way for the boys to bond. When I had put flour on the kitchen table, Christian got really nervous at how Liam would react. I can’t even tell you the look on that little boy’s face when his hands touched the dough for the first time. It was like they never got dirty.”

“They probably didn’t. You know from growing up wealthy how little the children actually play in the mud or finger paint. If the house is that clean, Liam probably has some type of issues. I know I joked about OCD, but it could be a real thing or maybe some trauma.”

“Trauma how though?” I asked as I turned the water off.

I had never really thought that maybe there was something more, something deeper, behind Liam’s reaction tonight. Even after we had sex, he seemed hurt, and it wasn’t what I had been expecting from him.

“Well, if he was best friends with your dad when they were children, we know your father came from wealthy parents. It stands to reason Liam did as well. You know from your own grandparents how strict they were. How strict your parents are. You rebelled against it, but maybe it was worse for Liam. Maybe he has to follow the rules, because they’re ingrained into him and going against them didn’t end well for him.”

“Shit, all your Psych classes are starting to pay off,” I lightly teased, but Kenny was very smart.

He was going to college full-time to be a psychologist. He wanted to help other kids in the LGBTQ community to feel more accepting of themselves. He had a very rough go of it when he was younger, and he wanted to help prevent other kids from his own trauma. He might have had a point here, though. My grandparents on my father’s side were nuts. Their house resembled Liam’s a lot. I remembered one time I got some mud on the bottom of my shoes. It had been raining, and I got a small speck of it on their grey tiles. They had reacted as if I slaughtered an animal right in their hallway.

“You might have a point, though,” I continued.

“I don’t know. I’ve never met the man. All I can tell you is that maybe there is a deeper reason for his anal-retentiveness and to give the guy a bit of a break. It can’t be easy having to leave your son in the care of a virtual stranger. Even if you shared an amazing night tonight.”

“You’re right. Okay, I’ll try and keep what you said in mind when I am dealing with him. Now I just have to make sure we don’t have sex on the kitchen table again,” I said with a soft chuckle.

“Hello! You over here talking about cleaning when you had sex with him again? On the kitchen table? Bitch, why are we talking about trauma? Details, now.”

A real laugh bubbled out of me, and I couldn’t contain the massive smile on my face. Fuck, I love this man.

“It was the best sex of my entire life. Like out of this world, I could die happy. I think I came for like five minutes straight. I could barely move; my body was flooded with pleasure. And don’t even get me started on how big he is.”

“Oh no, you best be getting started. How big?”
