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“Big, big. Like you probably shouldn’t put that in me, but please do, big.”

He gave a mewling whine, and I knew he was getting the visual. This man was a breath of fresh air, and I missed him dearly.

“I want all of the dirty details. Right now,” he demanded and I was happy to oblige. I had no idea what tomorrow was going to bring, but at least tonight I was going to have some fun.


Iwasdreadinggoingdownstairs. I could hear that Christian was already awake, and Jasmine was with him. I would normally get Christian up in the morning, but Jasmine must have grabbed him when she got Jeremy. I still didn’t like that she had allowed the boys to sleep in the same bed. I knew it was petty, and I was being overly cautious, but given everything that Christian had gone through, I didn’t think it was at an extreme level.

I had no idea how this was going to go. I should just fire her, but if I did that, then Francis wouldn’t know where her and Jeremy were, and that made the guilt in the pit of my stomach worse. There was no way I was going to be able to make up for sleeping with his daughter, twice now, but maybe if I could keep an eye on her and make sure her and Jeremy weren’t living out of hotels, then maybe that would help to ease some of the guilt.

I just needed to make sure that what happened last night never happened again. No matter how attractive I found Jasmine, we could not engage in sex. That was only going to make things more complicated between us and we had enough complications on the table. Letting out a sigh, I opened my bedroom door and headed out. I couldn’t exactly hide away in my own bedroom all day. I had to get to the office and get a shitload of paperwork done.

I made my way towards the stairs and I could hear their voices filling up from the kitchen.

“No, mine,” Christian said.

“I use,” Jeremy said back.

“Hey, Jer, that is Christian’s. It has his name on it, so let’s give that back to him, and I will get you a different fork,” Jasmine said in a completely calm voice. I had to give it to her; she was a good mom from what I had seen so far.

“Got shark,” Jeremy said, and I didn’t need to see him to know he was pouting.

I also knew what they were fighting over. I had gotten Christian a plate and utensil set that had his name on it. They were underwater creatures, something he had been very interested in. I had just happened to come across them from a local shop here.

“I know you like sharks, but they are his and we have to share, but respect each other’s things. Right?” Jasmine responded.

“Yes Mommy.” The sadness in Jeremy’s tone sent a small shot of pain through my heart. I didn’t really know the kid, but he seemed sweet.

“Hey, who can tell me what the biggest shark is?” Jasmine said, hoping to change the vibe in the room.

“Great white” Christian answered as I walked into the kitchen.

“Whale shark,” Jeremy shouted out.

“Whoa, do we have a couple of sharks in the kitchen?” I said, as I went over and pressed a kiss to Christian’s head.

“No Daddy. Which bigger?” he asked me.

“Jeremy is right. The whale shark can get as big as almost two full school buses. Sixty feet,” I answered.

“Whoa!” they both said, their eyes big saucers at the new information.

“The great white can get to be about twenty feet, so not a full school bus, but close to one,” Jasmine added as she placed two plates down with eggs and breakfast sausages on them. “Did you know, though, that whale sharks are considered lucky by the Hawaiians. That if you are out fishing and one comes up to your boat, it will bring you good luck. Some even pet them.”

“Pet?” Christian asked, surprised.

“Mhmm. Sharks are considered sacred animals, and you are not allowed to hurt them. Whale sharks, though still a shark and can be dangerous, most are very gentle,” she answered.

I didn’t know that. It would appear that Jasmine was very involved in what interested Jeremy, which was a good sign. I grabbed some coffee as the boys ate and talked about what little facts they knew. I couldn’t help but lean back against the counter and look at them. They had a lot of similarities. They could almost pass as cousins. It was odd, but we had seen other kids at the park that could have been related to Christian. It was this age. The younger the kid, the more they appear to be similar.

Their personalities were different, very different. I didn’t need to spend much time with Jeremy to know that Jasmine’s carefree personality had been passed on to Jeremy. It was the way he presented himself. I knew he had slept here, but Christian was already dressed in his ironed clothes. Jeremy was still wearing his Spider-Man pajamas and his hair was all messy. Even his feet were bare, whereas Christian already had his shoes on. His indoor shoes. He was allowed to wear them in the house. I didn’t like him running around in bare feet because they would get dirty. I didn’t want him in socks either because he could slip going down the stairs, especially after the floor had been cleaned and waxed.

Christian was a lot like me. He liked things to be clean. He didn’t like being dirty, and that was why it was so shocking that he apparently helped to make cookies. He had never shown any interest in getting his hands dirty before. He didn’t even when he colored. He never put his hands in paint; he didn’t even use sidewalk chalk. Part of me was worried though that it was because of me that he was this way. Ellis went with me wanting everything clean; she encouraged it in Christian. I couldn’t help but worry that maybe I was holding Christian back or changing him from who he was born to be. I didn’t want to do that. I wanted him to just be himself, but I didn’t know how to ensure that happened.

“I was thinking about taking the boys to the park while you were at work if that’s okay.” Jasmine said as she moved away from the table and came over to start rinsing the dishes that she used to cook breakfast.

“That’s fine,” I easily agreed. Christian loved being at the park, and there was one not too far from here.
