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“He does. I spoke to him just yesterday. I wasn’t sure what time today I would be able to stop by, and as I drove by, I saw Christian. I’ll bring him back tomorrow morning,” she said, and there really was nothing I could do about her taking him. She was his mother after all.

“I guess, I will see you tomorrow morning Christian. Jeremy and I will pick up the decorations for the cookies, and we can all do it tomorrow morning.” I didn’t want him to miss out, and I knew Jeremy would survive waiting another day.

“Yay! We made cookies Mommy.”

“Yum. Maybe on the way home we can stop in at your favorite bakery and pick up a couple to hold you over until tomorrow,” she suggested, and it made Christian very excited.

“Well then, I will see you both tomorrow. I hope you have fun Christian,” I said with a warm smile.

I watched as Ellis headed off with her son, and they both seemed over the moon excited to be spending the day together. She seemed really nice. I turned to Jeremy, and I could tell he was a bit upset that Christian was leaving, but that could easily be changed. We now had the day together, and I had every intention of spending it exploring with him.


Thisdayhadbeenexhausting. I had spent most of it going through one Zoom meeting after the next. I was looking forward to getting home and relaxing with my son. We could curl up on the couch watching his favorite movie, eating popcorn, and just relaxing. I also wanted this night alone with him so we could talk and get to spend some time together like we normally do. I didn’t want him thinking that things were going to change between us because Jeremy and Jasmine were here.

Walking into my house this time reflected a great deal of the last time. I couldn’t help but feel anxious at the prospect of what the kitchen could look like. I slowly walked through the entrance into the kitchen, and I couldn’t help but sigh in relief to see that it was clean. Everything was clean and quiet. The quiet was odd; it was only seven at night. The boys should have been up and running around still. I couldn’t even hear them up in Christian’s room.

A light caught my attention out my kitchen window, and I noticed that the lights in the nanny suite were on. Huh, I guess they decided to have some fun over there. I put my briefcase down and took off my jacket. I didn’t need it to be over there. I had a feeling they were decorating cookies and to avoid me coming home to a mess, Jasmine had smartly suggested that they do it over there. The nanny suite could look like a fucking hurricane for all I cared as long as I didn’t have to see it or live in it.

I crossed the distance between the houses and knocked on the door. I would typically go right in, but technically, it was her residence, and I wouldn’t have appreciated her barging into my house whenever she wanted. It was different in the mornings because part of her job was helping with Christian before I headed into work.

After a moment, the door opened, and Jasmine gave me a friendly smile that I could tell was more forced than meaningful.

“Back from work I see,” she said, but she didn’t move out of the way so I could enter.

“You gonna let me in to see my son?” I demanded. I didn’t like the fact that she was blocking the doorway with her body. She didn’t even have the door open all of the way.

The wave of fear that washed over her face was completely unexpected, but it was gone so quickly I couldn’t determine if I actually saw fear or something else.

“Did you forget that Ellis was getting him today?” she asked, and my blood turned to ice.

“Ellis?” I barely managed to get out.

“Yeah, she came by the park this morning and took Christian. She said you both spoke yesterday, and you knew she was back in town from her business trip. Christian was over the moon to see her. She said she would drop him off in the morning.”

“How fucking stupid can you be?” I seethed as I saw red.

The rational part of my brain knew this wasn’t her fault, but Ellis wasn’t here for me to kill. Jasmine was. Her hand was suddenly on my chest, and she pushed me back away from the doorway as she shut the door behind her and spoke.

“You willneverspeak to me like that again. I don’t give a fuck what your problem is, but you will speak to me with respect.”

I could see the tremble within her body, and she was just barely containing her rage. She was in the wrong though, because she let a stranger for all she knew go off with my son.

“You let some woman take my son and you expect me to not be pissed off about it?” I roared.

“She was his mother. I had no idea she wouldn’t be allowed to see him. If there were people that needed to be kept from him, then it was your responsibility to tell me. You told me practically everything else in his day, right down to bathroom breaks. You didn’t think I wouldn’t need to know about this?” she snapped back.

“You don’t allow my son to go with anyone unless I give you permission. I don’t care who they are; no one takes him. The whole purpose of your job is to make my life easier, not fuck it up!” I yelled as I stormed away. I didn’t have time to argue with her. I had to go and get my son.

I tore through the house to go out the front door and got into my car. I was spinning out of my driveway within seconds and back on the road. I knew where she would be. I knew what house she was living in because I had called my parents, of all people, this morning once I got to work to see if they had heard from her. They had known she was planning on moving back, and they were hopeful that our marriage could be rekindled. It didn’t matter that we were officially divorced.

My parents had never been okay with us ending our marriage, or specifically me ending it. They didn’t like Ellis, but they really didn’t like having to tell their friends and associates that their only child was divorced. It didn’t matter that I was raising my son and doing what most fathers didn’t tend to do. Just like it didn’t matter that I was a billionaire with a global empire.

Ellis had gone to them to see if they would be supportive of the idea of us getting back together. They had gotten out of her where she lived, and I suspected my parents were actually the ones paying for the house. There was no way she was working, and she would have blown through the settlement money I gave her in order to end the fucking divorce proceedings. She took the money and didn’t think twice about it.

She had said she changed and a small part of me wanted to believe her. I wanted to believe that she would change for Christian and be the mother that I knew she was capable of. However, I was a realist, and I knew she hadn’t yet. There was no remorse in her and until there was, there was never going to be a change in her.

I slammed my hand against my steering wheel. I had to try and calm down, because storming in there boiling with rage was only going to make everything worse. The problem was I didn’t know if I would be able to keep my cool the second I saw her. All of this could have been handled differently if she had just came to me and asked to see Christian. I could have arranged something where Christian could see her with me being present.
