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Okay … this was so not the direction I thought this conversation was going to be taking. I had been a bartender and a waitress. I hadn’t done anything that would require me to have a director title.

“I don’t know what that is, but I can already tell you that I am not qualified for it.”

He gave me a warm smile as he spoke, “You would be in charge of which charities get donations throughout the year. You would have to handle the paperwork and keep track of the funds, work with the accountant, and meet with various charity CEOs, but your job would be to give money away to legal charities.”

“I don’t have the skills for any of that. I can’t even use Excel outside of putting numbers on a line. You must already have someone that does all of that.”

There was no way that I would be able to do this job. Sure, it might sound easy, but I knew there would be a lot of backend things that would need to be done. Legal things that would have to be done to ensure their taxes were done right. If I screwed up Liam could get fined or arrested for tax fraud. There was no way.

“I have someone that handles it along with other jobs. I would like a dedicated person. It will take roughly eight months to set everything up. I will need to create a charity foundation and work with lawyers to get all of the paperwork in order. You can always learn Excel before you start working. You would only have to do basic bookkeeping. All of the accounting would be done by the accountants.”

“Why me? You already have someone that handles that part of the job. So why make the switch when it is obviously working?”

“It’s functioning. I wouldn’t call it working. Right now we donate to maybe fifteen charities a year. Sometimes less; it all depends on the amounts that are given. My company is public, and we do have a Board of Directions. Because of that, there are only certain amounts that can be donated a year. In order to change that, I would have to create a charity foundation where a percentage of company profits would automatically go into it. It’s something that I have entertained doing in the past a few times, but I have never done it.”

“Why not?”

“I hadn’t found the right person to run it. When a company reaches the level that mine has, charities tend to switch. They go from helping homeless shelters to creating grants for small business owners and first-time business owners. The hope is that they will become successful, they employ people, and that will put money back into the economy.”

“Which it will,” I agreed. “It seems like a reasonable charity circuit for a large company like yourself.”

“It is; it’s a natural fit. The problem is it creates a circuit that leaves out a huge chunk of people in need. In a perfect world, the successful business owners will then give back to their communities. Only when poor people become wealthy, they tend to hoard their money. They save it away because they fear being poor again. If their business goes ass up, then they have funds to keep going. All too often it becomes an endless loop with those in need being left out of it.”

“That makes sense. But it’s your company. Why not say which charities you only want to support?”

I could see what he was getting at. When you are relying on others to donate, it becomes more difficult to predict.

“Charities have to be approved by the Board. If I had my own foundation, I have complete control over which charities I donate to. Charities that matter and can do remarkable things with the money. Like that charity that helps stop online sex abuse. How many more children could they help with a hundred grand a year given to them? I want to make an impact in this world, and it’s time I got started.”

“There still has to be a thousand other people better suited to be your director.” All of this was sounding good, but that didn’t mean I was the right person to handle all of this.

“Are there a thousand other people that have the skills for the job, the experience, absolutely. But what they don’t have is that deep drive and desire to help people. To help the ones that people overlook or look away from. You simply care. That’s what makes you perfect for the job.”

I doubted I was perfect for it. I could understand his point though. He wanted someone that would care about the people they were helping versus someone that was more focused on changing the direction the foundation went in. Still, I didn’t know if I would be any good at the backend of things. And all of that was before you factored in the bombshell I was keeping from him.

“I’ll think about it,” I offered. That was really all I could offer him at this moment.

“I’ll take it,” he said with a satisfied smile.

Cocky bastard. I had no idea about working for him, but it was a nice thought. Only now we were sitting here, and he looked way too good in the moonlight. Suddenly, I wasn’t so tired.

“You should come sit over here,” I said with a flirty smirk, and he gave me a deadly smile.

He got up and was instantly pulling me in for a deep kiss. I moved my hands down to his shirt, and he followed my lead. We broke apart long enough for him to pull my shirt off, exposing my chest, before he pulled me in for another heated kiss. I instantly melted against him and moved closer to me until my back was laying flat on the cushions of the lounger. I opened my legs so he could easily fit between them.

My hands went to his belt, and we both quickly worked on removing the other of their pants. The second we were fully naked, I felt one of Liam’s fingers entering me, and I moaned against his mouth. He moved back from the kiss and started to trail down my neck to my chest. He took my right nipple in his mouth, and I arched back as a moan erupted from me at the pleasure waves that washed through me.

He released my nipple and kissed his way down my body until he reached my wet core. He slipped in a second finger as he sucked at my clit and black dots danced across my eyes.

“You taste like honey,” he said as he nibbled on my inner left thigh.

“Hurry up and fuck me,” I pleaded.

“You want it slow and sweet?” he teased as he reached over to his pants. This man had an endless supply of condoms in his wallet.

“Hard and fast. We have to be up early,” I said with a soft giggle.

“That is so romantic,” he teased as he grabbed a condom and slipped it on.
