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“Practicalness is sexy,” I agreed with a laugh.

He slipped his fingers out of me, and I couldn’t help but whine at the loss of his fingers. The loss didn’t last long as I felt the tip of his cock breaching my core, and I gave a soft moan as he started to push inside of me. Every glorious inch went deeper inside of me until he bottomed out. He didn’t wait though before he was pulling out again and slowly pushing inside of me.

He was giving me exactly what I needed to make this the perfect ending to an already perfect day. I couldn’t stop moaning as he slammed into me as deep as humanly possible. He kept his pace hard and fast, making sure he was buried deep inside of me with each thrust. He angled his hips slightly, and on the next thrust, he hit my sweet spot dead on, and I saw stars floating into my vision.

“Oh god, don’t stop,” I begged.

“That’s it Baby. I want to feel you cum. I want to watch as you fall apart around my cock,” he groaned as he picked up his pace even more, and I knew there was only so long he would be able to last.

I couldn’t stop moaning. My whole body felt like it was being electrified from the pleasure that was soaring through me. It wasn’t long before the heat in my stomach erupted, and black dots danced all across my eyes as I came hard around his cock.

“Fuck,” he growled, and I knew the added heat and tightness was enough to throw him right over the cliff.

He gave a hard thrust and buried himself fully inside of me just as he started to pulse. The sensation of him pulsing was enough to make me continue to cum right along with him. I felt the muscles in my legs twitch, and my lips had a slight tingle to them from panting so hard. I didn’t care though. I felt too good to care. Too good to even move right now. I never wanted to get up and honestly, I didn’t think it would even be possible at the moment. Tonight had been perfect. The perfect ending to the perfect day, and I could only hope tomorrow felt this good.


Iscrubbedahandover my face at seeing the news article that had come out online. It was a reputable reporting website. It was also a national one, and I knew the news of my custody battle was all over the country. It wasn’t that big of a surprise to me. I had expected for it to come out. The divorce had come out and gotten a lot of press coverage, and I had hoped that it would take longer for the family court shit to be leaked. Though with Ellis, that would have been a miracle. She most likely was the one to contact the press to try and gather sympathy with the public and the judge. A judge we hadn’t even met yet.

I was set to go to court today for the first hearing, and I had no idea what to expect. Alvin had said it was going to be pretty standard. That we were both going to state what we wanted, and the judge was going to postpone the hearing until we all went through mediation and then had the lawyers try and settle. If all of that failed, then the judge would look through all of the evidence that we submitted and make his decision. It was going to be a long process, one I was not looking forward to.

I walked out into the backyard and saw the boys running around with Jasmine sitting on the back porch.

“I have to get going,” I told her.

“Okay. Is there anything you need me to do?” she asked, looking to help in any way she could, and I appreciated it. But the only thing I needed was for her to keep taking care of the boys, so I didn’t have to worry about Christian.

“Just keep looking after Christian. News has broken about the custody battle, and I don’t want him to know about any of this. He’s too young to understand, and I don’t want someone saying something to him that hurts him.” What someone would say to a little boy, I had no idea. But I didn’t want to find out.

“I will keep them busy. I was thinking about taking them to the park and then going on a hike.”

“Sounds good. I have to get going. Let me know if there is a problem.”

I had no idea how hiking was going to go over with Christian, but I was happy to let him try it out. If there was one really good thing about having Jasmine here it was that she loved doing all of these dirty things. I had never been hiking, and it would be good for Christian to try new things. Jasmine was willing to show him all of these new experiences, and I was truly grateful for it.

“Everything will be fine. Good luck,” she offered me a warm smile, and I hated that it made me feel a bit better.

I gave one last look to the boys, and the sight of Christian running around playing with a smile and laughing filled me with so much love. I was doing all of this for him, and I knew it would be worth it. I turned and headed through the house to get to my car. I was hoping this court hearing would be drama free and simple. I had a lot of paperwork I had to get through, and I was hoping to bang it out today so I could have dinner with Christian and not have to worry over it. I turned my car on and started to make the journey to the courthouse in Portland.

I was struggling not to fidget as I sat in the courtroom next to Alvin waiting for the judge to arrive. Ellis was sitting over on her side with her own lawyer. She didn’t look pleased, but she was also making sure to not make eye contact with me. I was fighting to keep my eyes forward. I didn’t want her to see that I was nervous. In the divorce, I was confident. I could handle it. She wasn’t really around to begin with so it was simpler. This though, the stakes were way too high. This was Christian’s life I was fighting for, and I had no idea how this was going to play out. It was all up to the judge, and he could side with Ellis because she was the mother.

The back door opened, and the judge walked out. We all stood up and waited until he sat down before we all could.

“My name is Judge Allen, and I will be the judge that presides over this custody hearing. I have received both of your answers. Is there anything either side would like to bring up that was not disclosed within the responses?”

That was going to be an easy no. We had just submitted our full responses about a week ago. There shouldn’t be anything to be added.

“No Your Honor,” Alvin answered.

“We would like to bring something to your attention, Judge. A police report in regards to Mr. Mitchell and a sexual assault that he was interrogated for.”

What the fuck! This asshole was trying to bring this up, right here? Fucking Francis. I told him not to get involved, and now he threw a fucking nuke in the middle of my custody battle with my son.

“Your Honor, this has nothing to do with a custody battle,” Alvin instantly said, standing up.

“It goes towards character, Your Honor. He was accused of taking advantage of an underage girl at a party. He is now raising a young boy. He is not a male figure that should be around a small child,” Ellis’ lawyer countered.

“Your Honor, if I may,” I said as I stood. Alvin didn’t know about this so he wouldn’t be able to defend me properly.
