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“Mom, wait, please,” I said as I caught up to her and lightly grabbed her elbow to stop her from walking.

“How could you do this? How could you do this to us? Embarrass us like this.”

She was furious with me, but I could also tell she was upset that I had kept this from her. She couldn’t be all that surprised though given how close we weren’t.

“I didn’t know Jeremy wasn’t Adam’s when I got pregnant. I found out a year into it. I didn't plan on any of this to happen.”

“Liam? Of all people. That is your father’s childhood best friend.”

And that is what it came down to being the worst part in all of this. If it had been some random one-night stand that would have been better. It was Liam, my father’s best friend, and that was on a whole different level.

“I didn’t know who he was at the time. He didn't know who I was. Something that could have been avoided mind you if Dad was a normal human being and had a single photo up of him anywhere in the house growing up. But instead I grew up with photos of his accomplishments and not his childhood or his family. Dad didn’t even talk about him. All he’s ever cared about is his image and reputation, making as much money as he could. Anything personal or even remotely human was ignored. We didn’t plan for this to happen, but it did. And I am done trying to please everyone, trying to please Dad. Adam, Liam, and Jeremy have the right to know the truth. It’s just that simple.”

I was done apologizing, at least to my parents. They didn’t like how I turned out. Well, they can look into a mirror. I am a product of their parenting. If they couldn’t accept me and the mistakes that I had made, then I had to sever the relationship with them. It was the last thing I wanted to do. They were my parents. They were Jeremy’s grandparents, and I wanted him to have some, but it was just looking like that wasn’t going to happen. I hadn’t met Liam’s parents, but from what I had heard, they weren’t positive and the last thing we needed in Jeremy’s life.

“I don’t know what to even say to you right now. I’m upset, shocked, and embarrassed. There were other ways you could have done to handle this. To have the truth come out that didn’t involve a court. I have to go find your father. He is going to have a heart attack from all of this.”

More like an aneurysm. I wished she would have told me that she loved me and we would figure it out, but that wasn't the relationship that we had. I was hoping that maybe we could have one like that once the dust settled, but that really depended on what my father told her to do. I saw Liam making his way out the front door, and I had to assume he was going after my father. There was a conversation that I was thankful to not be a part of.


IcaughtJasminespeakingwith her mother as I made my way outside to chase after Francis. In the beginning of all of this I had been hoping to salvage some of our friendship. We had known each other far too long for it to dissolve. Now though, after everything he had done to try and take Christine from me, there was no saving anything. What I had foolishly mistaken for genuine friendship meant nothing to him.

“Francis,” I called out, and he stopped on the steps as he turned to look at me. I could see fire in his eyes. He was pissed before, but now he was ready for an all-out war.

“You have a lot of fucking nerve showing your face here. Am I really to believe this farce?”

“It’s not a farce. Jeremy is my son. I didn’t know that Jasmine was your daughter when I met her four years ago at a conference. It was one night, and we never saw each other again until her wedding. We had no idea who either of us was, and if I had known, I never would have slept with her.”

“Bullshit you didn't know who she was,” he growled.

“How the fuck would I know? You’ve never told me about her. I didn’t even know her name. I’ve never seen a picture. You didn’t even tell me you had a kid until she was eight, and it was in a very brief mention that you had to get a babysitter.” Oh he was not going to blame me for not knowing Jasmine was his daughter.

“So it’s my fault you fucked my daughter and got her pregnant?”

“It’s not my fault you didn’t tell me about her. Not once in her entire life. You don’t get to blame either of us for not knowing who the other was. It doesn’t matter that we didn’t know; it doesn’t change that Jeremy is my son, and I am going to be in his life. I would have to imagine you would want your grandson to have his father in his life.”

“He was raised by a father for four years, and it wasn’t you. He doesn’t need you coming into his life confusing him and screwing it all up. Jasmine and Adam could have worked it out. They could have ended this foolishness and came back home where they belong. Instead, she has only brought more shame to the family.”

“Shame? Your behavior is what is bringing shame to your family. How you are reacting to this news is bringing shame to your family. You should be in there supporting your daughter. Not sitting behind Adam. She needs your support. She deserves your support, and you are acting like a spoiled two-year-old throwing a temper tantrum. Where the hell did that good man go that I grew up with? The one that wanted to be the complete opposite of his parents. The one that cared about the world and swore he would appreciate and cherish a child if he was lucky enough to have one. Where did you go?”

I felt like I was standing here looking at a stranger. A stranger that I would have loved to punch in the face. How was it possible that we had grown up in the same environment, but we both became so different? He used to want more. He used to be completely different, and now it was like his soul was sucked out of him.

“I grew up. You should try it. If you think this stunt is going to stop Henry or Adam, you are wrong. If anything it has only made it worse. Jeremy will be back in Miami where he belongs. Where I can raise him right and get him ready to take over the company when my time comes. You would be wise to back off and encourage Jasmine to make it happen. I will not warn you again.”

“We’ve already had this dance, Francis. Stop threatening me, or I will make sure your reputation is destroyed. That you spend the rest of your life rotting in a jail cell. Get the fuck out of my town.”

I turned and headed back towards the courthouse entrance. I was done with Francis and all of his bullshit. There was no saving our friendship. Being realistic, it was a friendship that ended decades ago, and I just failed to see it. Failed to admit it to myself. I walked in just as Jasmine’s mother walked out, and I could tell she wasn’t too happy either.

I beelined it for Jasmine and I immediately took her into my arms once she was within reach. She turned and pressed her head against my chest, and I knew she was upset. I wanted to make all of this better. To take it all away from her, but I couldn’t. All I could do was hold her and try to help her through this nightmare.

“It’s gonna be okay,” I told her.

She gave a small huff of a laugh, and I knew she didn't believe me. At least not yet. She moved back as she spoke, “I don’t think today could have gone any worse.”

I rubbed my hand along her back as I started to guide her out of the courthouse. “What did your mother say?”

“Mostly that she was disappointed. Honestly, I knew she was going to be shocked and upset. I think for her it would have been better for me to tell her one-on-one without an audience or in front of my father. She would have had more of a chance to process it and have feelings towards it.”
