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He had just been here a couple of days ago, and now it was my turn to go through the first court hearing with Adam. Today was the day we were going to announce that Liam was Jeremy’s father, and the inevitable blowout from it had my nerves wound up tight. I wished I had been able to convince myself that everything was going to be okay, but I knew it wasn’t going to be. At this point, all I could do was hold on for the ride and just hope I didn’t get thrown off. The only thing that was making this bearable was knowing that I had Liam here with me today.

“After the mediation you had with Ellis a couple of days ago, we really need a win.”

Liam had told me all about it when he got back, but I wasn’t surprised that it hadn’t gone well. Him and Ellis were too far apart in their realities for them to ever stand a chance to come to a reasonable compromise.

“It’ll be okay. No matter what happens we will deal with it. He’s going to learn about the truth eventually. It is better for him to learn it while he was in a courtroom and can’t lose his shit,” he said as he walked into the courthouse.

We went through the process of going through security and making our way towards our courtroom. Alvin was standing outside waiting for us, and I didn't see Adam anywhere. I was hoping he was already in the courtroom, because I wanted to get this started so it can be over and done with.

“Alvin, it’s good to see you again,” Liam said as he shook Alvin’s hand.

“It’s good to see you both. Adam and his lawyer are already in there. Your parents Jasmine, are in there as well.”

“My parents?”

There was no way my parents were here. I hadn’t heard anything about them coming down, and I was nowhere near prepared for them to be here for this. Obviously, they were going to find out the truth, but I wanted to be able to tell them myself and not for them to find out in the middle of a courtroom.

“Correct. I wanted to see how you would like to proceed?” he asked with complete understanding to his voice.

He was asking if I wanted the truth to come out even with them here, but I didn’t see any other option really. We couldn’t delay the hearings. And I wasn’t going to keep allowing my mistake to affect other people’s lives. It wasn’t fair to Adam to keep going believing he was fighting for his son. The truth had to come out; it was just that simple.

“Yes, we proceed,” I said with confidence that I wasn’t truly feeling.

“You sure?” Liam asked.

“It’s going to come out regardless. Might as well do it all in one day.”

They were all going to lose it. At least this way, I only had to deal with the fallout once and not spread out one really horrible day compared to a series of bad ones.

“Alright, it’s your decision. If that is what you would like, then we will proceed as expected. I want to stress that no matter what is said that you keep your composure, the both of you. The courtroom is not a place for emotions,” Alvin advised with a stern look that reminded me of being lectured by a principal.

“We will,” Liam assured him.

Alvin gave us one last look to be certain before he turned and headed for the doors. We both followed him and walked inside to see that my parents were in fact here, but they were sitting behind Adam. They clearly knew it was his side of the room, because they sat right behind him. Adam was whispering to my father. It was foolish of me to believe that they had come to offer me support. That for the first time in practically my whole life that they were here to be my support system and tell me it would be okay. I really should have expected it though.

We went over to our side of the room and I did my best to keep my eyes over on my side and not look over at Adam or my parents. Thankfully, Judge Allen came into the room and everyone’s attention was on him. At the same time though it made my stomach claw its way up to my throat because now the moment of truth was coming.

“Good morning everyone. I have been advised that Mr. McCormick you would like to get things started,” Judge Allen said as he looked right at Alvin.

“Thank you, Your Honor. My client would like to inform the court and Mr. Miller that the paternity of the child in question, Jeremy, does not match Mr. Miller’s DNA,” Alvin stated.

“What does that mean?” Adam said, and I could see his lawyer shushing him.

“Your Honor, am I to understand that my client is not the father of Jeremy?” Adam’s lawyer said.

“Is that correct Mr. McCormick?” Judge Allen asked.

“That is correct Your Honor. The biological father of Jeremy is Liam Mitchell. A DNA test had been performed two years ago.”

The courtroom went nuts. That was really the only way I could think of to describe it. My father was shouting, all out shouting, not at me, but at Liam. I couldn’t really make out what he was saying, because it mixed all into my mother crying and asking why. Plus, Adam was yelling calling me a lying whore. I didn’t really know who I was supposed to address first, but thankfully, Judge Allen pounded his gavel down so hard I thought the thing was going to snap and go flying back at him.

“Enough!” he roared, and everyone started to calm down.

There was no fixing the tension in the room. I could feel it pulsing all around me, and I knew the explosion was far from over.

“A paternity test will be ordered by the court. Until then, this case is adjourned,” Judge Allen ordered as he banged his gavel down on last time.

I turned to see my parents, my father got up and stormed right out of the room. My mother looked at me, and I could see the hurt, anger, and disappointment swirling in her eyes. She looked away and started to make her way out. I didn’t even wait to see what Alvin would have said, I started to chase after her. I was hoping I could make her understand.
