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With a deep sigh, I turned and headed out of his bedroom and bee-lined it for mine. I couldn’t get lost in what ifs or my thoughts. I had to get everything packed up and out of here before Adam or my parents showed up. Honestly, I wasn’t too certain which would be worse.

The second I was in my bedroom I was moving over to the walk-in closet that had a full-length mirror. I had no idea how I was going to be getting out of this dress, but I needed to get out of it. I turned to try and see if I could see the thick ribbon that laced up my top. The knot was tight on it. They hadn’t exactly gotten me in this dress with the desire to get me out of it. I had no idea how Adam was supposed to do it.

After struggling with trying to get the right angle and the tight knot, I gave up at the sight of my scissors sitting on my vanity table. I had used them just the other day to cut off some tags for a new bathing suit and a couple of dresses that I had been planning on wearing on our honeymoon to Cancun.

I went over and picked the scissors up. They were sharp. I used them to cut fabric when I wanted to make some new curtains or a Halloween costume for Jeremy. I looked at the dress through my reflection and even though I hated the thing, I knew someone put in a lot of hours to make it. This was bad, terrible, but I needed out of Fort Knox, and right now, this seemed like the only way.

I turned my back more towards the mirror. It was awkward, but I managed to get the scissors underneath the corset top, and I began to cut. The ribbon easily fell away and so did the thicker fabric that made up the top of my dress. Once I got halfway up, I could finally take a deep breath, and it only encouraged me to go faster. I hadn’t even realized just how tight the dress was. I had gotten used to it within the past ninety minutes. Once the top hit the floor, I was easily able to slip the bottom part of my dress off, and I stepped out of it.

Tossing the scissors back down on my vanity table, I made quick work of getting dressed in some comfy jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my suitcase and began to grab anything that I could think of. I was going to be a nanny in a beach town so I grabbed whatever bathing suits I had as well as all of the comfy clothes I could manage. I then grabbed a few of my nicer clothes just in case I had to go to an event or something to keep an eye on Christian. I had no idea, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Especially because I was only going to have the five grand in my bank account, and that would need to hold us over until I started to get paid from Liam.

By the time I was done, I had three suitcases full of clothes, shoes, and various accessories. I had another suitcase that I was going to be using for valuable things I never wanted to lose like photos and whatnot. I buzzed around the house grabbing everything that I could and putting it away. With that suitcase finished, I got started on getting them all in my car. Thankfully, my trunk was big. I would need to get Jeremy’s suitcase in the backseat, but I could keep a snack bag in the front with me. I also had a DVD player in my car so I was going to be grabbing a shitload of DVDs for him to watch.

With the car packed, I headed back inside and got to work on grabbing some things for the car. I grabbed the cooler. I would need to stop for some ice, but I made some sandwiches and tossed in some fruit and drinks. I would need to restock along the way, but it would at least be a start. I grabbed a bunch of DVDs for Jeremy and got all of that in the car. With nothing left to do, I grabbed the last suitcase and made my way back up into Jeremy’s room.

He was still sound asleep, but I knew he wouldn’t stay that way for much longer. He normally only slept for two hours when he napped. I grabbed all of his clothes and got them into the suitcase. I then grabbed his own suitcase and put in his favorite stuffed animals, toys, and books, plus his spare blanky. He had a favorite blanket that he slept with and was obsessed with. When I noticed that he was favoring it, I got an extra one just in case we lost it.

With the last suitcase closed, I grabbed his favorite PJs and went over to him.

“Baby Boy,” I said as I rubbed his chest gently.

He stirred slightly with a groan, and I knew he wasn’t ready to be awake yet.

“I know, come on Sweetie. You need to wake up for Mama.”

He groaned again as his eyes blinked open, and he moved and rubbed his eye, trying to wake up.

“Sleep, Mama,” he softly said.

“I know Baby. I just need to get you changed out of your tux, and then we are gonna get in the car and take a trip,” I said as I started to unbutton his jacket.


“We’re gonna take a vacation for a little while. We have to drive all the way across the country though. But when we get there, you will be able to see the other ocean. And I have been told there is whale watching.”

“Whale watching?” he asked as I got him sitting up.

“It’s where you can take a boat ride and you see whales. Sometimes, you can even see them from the beach. And we can make stops along the way to see different spots. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.”

“Daddy come?”

“Um, no Baby. It’s just going to be me and you on this one. But we can make it fun and take lots of pictures.”

I hated lying to him, but there was no way he was going to understand any of this. It would be best for him to think we were taking a trip, and then I could figure out how to tell him.

We worked together to get him changed into his PJs before I grabbed the rest of the items for the car and we both headed outside. I got him into his booster seat before I loaded the car up and got in myself.

“I brought DVDs. Is there one you would like to watch?” I asked as I looked at him from my rearview mirror.

He had his blanky and his pillow so if he wanted to go back to sleep, he would be able to. I was hoping he wouldn’t fall asleep again, because I was going to need to be able to get him to sleep tonight.

“Nemo!” he excitedly said.

“Of course, how silly of me.” I reached over and grabbed his favorite movie. I had heard and seen this movie over a hundred times. I didn’t really want to listen to it again, but if it kept him calm and quiet for the drive, I would gladly listen to it a hundred times again.

After getting it into my CD rom drive, I hit play. With the opening credits starting, I put my car in drive, and we were heading off. I had no idea if this was going to be a decision I lived to regret. What I did know, it was too late to turn back.

