Page 100 of Fighting the Pull

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He gave it to me then took my case, and I followed him inside.

My bag was a mid-size wheelie this time, with far more stuff in it. He hadn’t explicitly invited me to stay the week, but if that was on the cards, I was jumping at it.

It wasn’t about being at his place shaving half an hour off my commute in the morning. Though that worked for me.

It wasn’t about his place being top to bottom amazing. Though that was a definite bonus.


Seriously, if this was what having a man in your life was like, I’d been missing out.

However, I had a feeling it wasn’t just “a man.”

It was Hale.

Allow me to state my case…

Having your dad tell you super-shitty news that rocks your world, then having someone hold you while you cried, listen to you while you bitched and support your take on the situation.

Going to bed, and having a warm body to cuddle up to.

Waking up and getting an orgasm you desperately needed, but didn’t have to give yourself.

Getting that orgasm from someone with deft fingers that boded good tidings of future joy.

Having someone make you coffee and a bagel before you headed out to face the day.

Having someone to stand in line, get a hotdog, then eat it with you.

Having someone who told you how attractive he thought you were by the way he kissed you.

And how often he did it.

Not to mention by the way he looked at you, and him simply telling you.

And having someone who met you at the door (or elevator) when you came home for the night.

Fliss was chronically monogamous. This meant she always had a boyfriend. Often, they didn’t last long, but she went from breaking up with someone to meeting someone to being exclusive faster than the blink of an eye. She said it was her superpower.

As one could guess from the fact they often didn’t last long, none of her boyfriends were anywhere near as great as Hale seemed to be.

Which could be why they didn’t last.

On the other hand, Carole had been with the same boyfriend from when they were sophomores in college to when they broke up last year. She’d been devastated. She’d thought there was a ring in her future (and she’d thought that for the last five years). Eventually, she couldn’t wait anymore, so she’d ended it.

But Fliss and I had never been his biggest fans. He was tooDude!for either of us (and, frankly, Carole too, but it wasn’t until after it was over that she confessed to things that bothered her). He was the kind of guy who still told “that’s what she said” jokes and called breasts “knockers”. Fliss and I had both been secretly relieved when Carole had figured it out and scraped him off.

So obviously, not even in the same league as Hale.

I honestly didn’t know how to handle how well he and I got on now that we were no longer fighting. I kept waiting for him to do something annoying or engage in some behavior that raised a red flag.

I mean, at the last minute, he came out to lunch to look at a couch with me. I wasn’t sure even my dad would do that.

And truly, going to him the night before, having him be all…Hale, listening and supporting and giving me space when I needed it, stroking my hair when I needed that, and dropping it when I needed to move on.

I was getting sucked into how fabulous he was.

I was also getting sucked into other things about him.
