Page 111 of Fighting the Pull

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I held him in my arms and tried to put myself in his headspace. But for obvious reasons, my brain wouldn’t allow me to think of losing my dad at all, and definitely not that way.

So I just held him until I thought the time was ripe for us to move on from the intensity of the night into something else.

I signaled this by asking, “Did you happen to have time to make dessert?”

I felt his body shaking with humor when he answered, “No.”

“Well, obviously it was a good call to come home early and fit making that bread in between Zoom meetings, but can I suggest next time you do it even earlier and make, say, an apple pie?”

With that, he started laughing even as he rolled us so we were close to his nightstand.

He picked up the phone there and hit a button.

“Yes, Jim. Could you handle sending someone out to get a slice of apple pie, a walnut brownie and some vanilla ice cream from Bubby’s?” Pause then, “Thanks.”

He hung up the phone.

“Easy as that?” I asked.

“The concierge here is full service.”

“You’re hard work, Hale Wheeler, but from-scratch bread, spicy Bolognese, two orgasms and apple pie from Bubby’s, I’m thinking you might be worth it.”

His hands started moving on my skin. “Before our dessert gets here, we might have time for me to prove how worth it I’m gonna be.”

“You better hurry. We won’t want that ice cream to melt.”

He shot me a smile that made something else melt.

And he hurried.





The next morning,the alarm on my phone sounded.

We were spooning, so first, I had to find the willpower to do it, and second, I had to push through Hale’s hold to reach out and stop it in order to leave the luxury of the curve of his long body and start the day.

It was asking a lot of a girl, but I managed it.

I was going to turn and give him a quick kiss before I left him in bed, but his arm suddenly tightened, I found myself tucked to his front again, and I stilled when his hand cupped my sex.

Oh yes.

“Panties off,” he said in a sleepy, gruff growl that made me shiver. “I want you on my face.”

And one could say I wanted to be on his face…badly.

Right then, I’d start the day a wee bit later.

Like the night before, I didn’t hesitate. My movements were clumsy because I was still sleepy too, also trembling at his command, but I did as told.

He’d positioned for me so when I swung a leg over his head, he was ready.
