Page 117 of Fighting the Pull

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Then she’d let it go.

* * *

He fuckedher totally vanilla that night, missionary, and after he made her come then did the same himself, he whispered in her ear, “Wanna be my girlfriend?”

Her arm and legs convulsed around him.

He lifted his head and looked down at her, so he got to see the soft, happy expression on her face when she answered.


* * *

The next evening,he was sitting in the corner of his couch where he’d been when she interviewed him, ignoring his laptop for once and reading a book.

She was sitting in her corner, knees bent, feet to the cushion, phone in hand, laptop on the couch by her feet, notebook against her thigh, empire building.

He knew this when she announced, “The Mankowitz interview is set. It’s going to take place in LA in three weeks.” She lifted her gaze from her phone to him. “Any chance you’ll be there then?”

“There is now.”

She shot him a radiant smile and went back to her phone.

He was smiling too as he went back to his book.

About ten minutes later, he was reaching for his glass to take a sip of wine when he heard her quiet gasp.

He looked to her. “What?”

She dropped her phone hand to her lap, an expression he couldn’t read on her face. “Did you warn Nora about Paloma Friedrichsen?”

Paloma Friedrichsen was Tom’s ex. The woman he had between Genny and Mika. An ex-supermodel, she was now famous for being famous along with famous for dating men who were far more famous than she.

She’d been angry Tom ended things with her when he met Mika, and she was the kind of woman to act on that anger. Months ago—it might actually have been a year ago now—Elsa had warned him Paloma was up to some shit. She’d advised he sic Nora on her. And it was good advice. Nora might be old money and utter class, but she kept her claws honed for when they were needed.

He’d done the heads up and hadn’t thought of it since. In fact, he hadn’t heard a word about Paloma since.

“Yes. Why?” he asked.

“Because she’s dating AJ Oakley.”

That alarm banded across the back of his neck.

She wasn’t AJ’s type. He was in his eighties, she was in her forties or fifties, but he usually went for arm candy in their twenties.

This was an unholy alliance.

And a long time for her to hold a grudge.

He ignored his wine and grabbed his phone in order to call Jamie.

Because Paloma could be a nuisance.

But AJ Oakley, Jamie’s dad, was a piece of shit.

And if AJ had the opportunity to prove what a shit individual he was, he never hesitated to take it. There was no love lost, and Jamie had humiliated his father during his and Hale’s takeover of Core Point Athletics.

So Hale didn’t think this was a coincidence.
