Page 119 of Fighting the Pull

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And then it was Hale who found the strength to pull them both out of bed.





I was pacingmy living room, waiting for my phone to ring.

It was the Saturday after Hale left. He was in Sydney. We had a phone date that day.

It would be the first time I’d spoken to him. There had been lots of texts, a few voicemails, but since he went from New York to Tokyo, Tokyo to Sydney, and the time zones weren’t conducive to it, we hadn’t talked.

I missed him.

A lot.

Once we got over that first hurdle of dinner at his place Wednesday night, things had been great. Sex in the morning. Work. Coming home to him. Deciding on something to eat. Sex at night. Going to sleep beside him. Repeat.

I’d been right at the beginning. Red flags were few. He had his boundaries, but I had to learn to tough it out when I ran up against one.

And I was going to do it because he was worth it. Affectionate and communicative and open-minded and unbelievably hot in bed.

And I didn’t care what it said about me, I loved how he made me feel beautiful.


He made me feel extraordinary. The way he looked at me, touched me, fucked me.

Met me at the elevator the minute I walked out when I came home to him at night.

Maybe it was a lifetime of feeling like the outsider in my family, starved for it all my life, now having Hale’s attention, his affection, his total and complete focus when we were intimate.

But in truth, it was all of that, and all if it coming from a man like Hale.

I liked being Hale Wheeler’s girlfriend because it meant he was all mine.

For now.

(But I refused to think about the “for now” part, I was too happy now, so happy, I didn’t mind I was being foolish in deciding I’d worry about that later.)

We even had our first “couple friends,” Gemma and Jadyn, who were really lovely.

I’d followed that up by introducing Gemma to my neighbor who made the pillows, Khadija. Khadija had to leave, but after she did, Gemma and I got another coffee and stayed an extra hour just to gab.

We got on great, like we’d known each other for years, and since I’d already promoted Zoey and had put out an ad to get a new assistant, turning a new leaf to build a life along with my career, an awesome woman like Gemma coming into that life seemed like a sign I’d made the right choice.

That being the sign after the beacon that was Hale.

So yes, I missed Hale and I was anxious to hear his voice. But there was another reason I was pacing. However, I couldn’t let myself think about it until Hale was on the other end of the phone.

On that thought, mercifully, it vibrated in my hand.

I took the call. “Hey, handsome.”

“Hey, sweetheart. How’s things?”
