Page 140 of Fighting the Pull

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But he was still withholding from me.




“Okay, consider yourself warned. I’m one hundred percent on a mission to steal him from you. I mean, homemade tortillas?” Carole announced, sitting at a stool, watching Hale flip a tortilla on a skillet, a tortilla that, yes, he’d just rolled out.

“I love you like a sister, but I’ll cut a bitch for my guy,” I retorted.

“I’ll bleed for fresh tortillas,” she returned.

“I’ll make you fresh tortillas whenever you want,” Hale offered.

“Don’t think I won’t take you up on that,” Carole threatened.

Hale saluted Carole with his tongs.

As this happened, I chanced a glance at the great Imogen Swan, who was absolutely Genny in that kitchen, flitting about, helping Hale with his fish tacos and vinegary coleslaw, macerated onions and lime crema, homemade salsa, avocado slices (etc.). But who was now expertly manning the frying pieces of fish at the same time sprucing up the rice with minced cilantro and fresh bits of jalapeño.

Hale thankfully did not make a flan for dessert.

But the man was going to serve fried ice cream.

And he’d made homemade ice cream.

If Carole thought she was going to steal him already, I figured her words would ring truer after the ice cream. I knew this and I’d never even had Hale’s homemade ice cream.

But, unlike Hale assured me the night before, although Genny was polite, she was also standoffish.

To me.

To everyone else, she was lovely.

But she did not like me.

Nugget of news: Imogen Swan was totally momming me. I was not good enough for her boy until I proved I was, and that proof would come…never. Her boy was so special, he’d never meet the right girl.

Definitely not me.

It didn’t help that I was enjoying my margarita, and except when Hale asked or I could dip in and grab something to clean or wipe down or put away to help keep things tidy, I didn’t do anything.

Then again, she’d claimed the kitchen (and Hale,notincidentally) about a nanosecond after she was introduced to everyone.

Point made.


Duncan was keeping his distance from the cooking, if not my peeps.

He seemed like a really nice guy.

Now I looked to him and saw he was watching me. When we caught eyes, he tipped his head to the side. I must not have been hiding my chagrin, because he winked encouragingly at me.

Yes, Duncan Holloway was a nice guy.

It was just Genny who didn’t like me.
