Page 155 of Fighting the Pull

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Reading my silence, Dad’s voice had gentled when he said, “All right,bubbeleh, you’re young. You’ll give your heart. You’ll take hearts. You’ll get your heart broken. You’ll break hearts. It’s part of life. Like I said, you’re smart. I trust you know what you’re doing.”

Did I?

Dad kept talking.

“And this is why I wasn’t exactly upset with Hale for contacting Oskar. Although I don’t want one of my children to be threatened, Hale moving heaven and earth to sort something that was worrying my daughter is something I can get behind.”

“I’ll ask him not to threaten Oskar anymore, though,” I offered.

“I don’t think he’ll have to,” Dad shared. “Your brother and I had a kind of meeting of the minds last night. We’re oil and water, but he’s my son, I’m his dad, and somewhere along this journey for him, he’s come to understand his old man has a place in his life. It was a definite olive branch last night, and I grabbed hold.”

Of course he did.

“I’m glad for you, Dad.”

“Might be good you feel that out,” he suggested.


“We’ll see,” I evaded. “Now, you’re dating?”

The tension was out of his voice, something I’d never heard but loved to hear was in it, when he said, “She’s lovely. Perhaps you’ll meet her someday. Soon.”

“I’d love that.”

“I know you’re busy, and so am I. Is Hale back in town too?”

“Yes. I thought maybe we could have dinner sometime this week.”

“Just text me when you two can do it. You’re busier than I am. I’ll make it happen.”

“Okay, Dad. Love you.”

“Love you too,bubbeleh. Speak soon.”

He hung up.

I put my phone on my desk, but didn’t get back to work, because that was a lot.

Dad and Oskar mending fences. Hale wading in to set him straight. Dad dating someone. Mom and Adam breaking up. Mom looking for somewhere to live, even if she didn’t have a job and the divorce wasn’t final, so the settlement hadn’t gone through.

And the reminder that Hale was not a commitment kind of guy.

What was I doing?

What was he doing?

What werewedoing?

Was he working on the assumption that I knew, since I asked, and he told me, then I told three hundred million (plus) people?

Or was I his Amal?

One thing I couldn’t deny, I wanted to be his Amal.

But it took George Clooney decades to find her.

So maybe not as smart and savvy after all.
