Page 5 of Fighting the Pull

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On that thought, abruptly, he stood.

Chloe started and her face grew a little pale.

Judge tensed.

“I have a flight to New York to catch,” he announced.

Chloe looked at her watch, saying, “Yes, in two hours.” She turned her gaze to him, and quickly went on, “We were going out to lunch. And by the by, you own the plane,mon frère. You can leave whenever you like.”

“It’ll be best if I—” Hale started.

“I won’t mention the box again,” she promised.

“Ever,” Judge put in.

She pressed her lips together, not willing to go that far.

At that, Hale smiled.

Hale didn’t have any favorites in the Pierce family. The sisters and brother Tom and Genny had given him, the parents they tried to be, they all held equal places in his heart.

In fact, they took up the whole of it.

“Right, then, let’s go to lunch,” he said. “But I should get to the airport sooner rather than later. I’ve got shit to do, and I don’t want to be landing at midnight.”

Chloe popped up instantly, not about to miss her shot at lunch with her big brother.

Judge followed more slowly.

They went out and had tacos.

On his way to the airport, Hale got out his phone and sent a text.

As you know, since I told you days ago, I’m going to be in the city for a week.I arrive this evening.Can we finally set this fucking interview and be done with it?

He did not receive a return text by the time he boarded his father’s custom jet.

He still had not received one by the time they landed.

And now, this had been going on for too long.

It was her that wanted this interview in the first place.

He’d made a promise.

And whether the woman liked it or not, he was going to keep it.




As I walked from my apartment to the studio, I had a million things on my mind, which wasn’t good considering, in this neighborhood, you needed to keep your senses sharp.

But my mother had texted that morning, saying my brother and his wife were going to be in town, and she wanted a family dinner Saturday night.

I had no plans on Saturday, but I wanted to sit down and break bread with my family like I wanted someone to pluck my hair out with tweezers, one strand at a time.
