Page 77 of Fighting the Pull

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It was a test.

It was a test of how she’d handle one miniscule part of the ginormous mindfuck that was his head, his life, his history.

Yeah, it was a test.

So when he got home, after he made himself a G&T, he threw himself on the couch where she sat when she interviewed him, and he called her.

“Hey, how’d dinner go?” she answered his call.

“I caved to having a bodyguard follow me around everywhere. I can confirm Chloe isn’t your biggest fan, but I think I made some headway with that, with the help of Rix. And Tom pissed me off by telling me I was turning into my father.”

Her voice was high and freaked when she asked, “You don’t have a bodyguard?”

Hale made no response.

She carried on, sounding no less freaked. “Hale, promise me you’ll carry through with that. I can’t believe you don’t have a bodyguard.”

“You’ve been with me several times, Elsa, and I’ve never had one.”

“I thought they followed at a discreet distance.”


“Ohmigod,” she breathed, now not freaked, sounding openly rattled.

“I’m talking to my team tomorrow,” he assured.

“Thank God.”

Hale again was quiet.

“Now, why on earth would Tom say you’re turning into your father?”

“He doesn’t like how busy I am.”

It was her turn to be silent.

“You agree,” he guessed.

“I never met your father, I can’t agree or disagree. But I do know you’re busy.”

“You’re busy too,” he pointed out.

“Yes, but I love my job. I love my life.” A loaded pause and then, “Do you?”

The baton passed to Hale, and he again said nothing.

“Do you, Hale?” she pressed gently.

“I have money managers, several of them. And I can confirm what your brother said. I’ve given away billions, and I’m worth more now than what my father gave to me.”

“Okay,” she replied slowly.

“I want my legacy to be different than his.”

Her silence now held meaning, he could sense it, he just didn’t know what it was.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.
