Page 95 of Fighting the Pull

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As answer to that, she put her hands out to her sides and did a faceplant in his chest.

Yeah. He could have guessed that answer.

He wrapped both arms around her shoulders.

“The orgasm helped,” she told his chest.

He smiled. “I’m glad.”

She tipped her head back to look at him. “Alas, I think there’s no cure to my family drama but time.”

“Alas,” he teased.

She rolled her eyes.

That was when Hale kissed her properly for the first time that morning.

When he was finished, she breathed, “Okay, that helped too.”

“Go forth. Take the world by storm.”

“Aye, aye, bossman.”

They’d broken the seal, so she’d soon learn what kind of boss he was.

He just hoped she was into it.

She got up on her toes to kiss his jaw, he liked the feel of that, both her lips and the fact she had to get up on her toes to do it. Then he walked her to the elevators and tagged the button for her.

“Time tonight?” she asked.

“What time’s good for you?”

“If I’m staying here again, I have to go back to my place to get some more things. So, maybe six thirty, seven?”

He nodded. “Text when you’re ready to roll. I’ll have Paul pick you up at the office and take you to your place, then he can bring you here. Anything you don’t like to eat?”

“I’m not a fan of squash, or eggplant.”

“Me either.”

The elevator doors opened while she said, “Perfect.”

He held the door open while he gave her another kiss.

Then she got in the elevator and saluted him with the travel mug he’d filled for her as they started to close.

His last view was Elsa taking a bite of the bagel.

Something about that made him feel warmth in his chest.

He buried that feeling, went to his kitchen and started to make his morning smoothie.

* * *

The textfrom Elsa came at 10:30.

Lunch plans today?
