Page 10 of Salvation/Mamba

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Yup, Cobra didn’t believe in dragging shit out.

“One of our contacts on the Mexican border wants us to be on the lookout for a trafficking ring smuggling in underage girls. They’ve been running them through the Cali border, but lately they’ve been getting cocky, not covering their tracks, and even trying to run that shit through Nevada.”

“Shit, I thought we were done with all that when we took down the Desert Rats last year.” Python knocked a smoke out of his pack on the table. “Don’t tell me they got another crew together.”

“Nah, seems this is a whole new group who think it’s a good idea to cage girls up and sell them to the highest bidder.” Cobra curled his lip. “We’ve all been involved in some screwed up shit, but messing with women and children is fuckin’ off limits.”

All the brothers mumbled their agreement along with their own version of this fucked up situation.

“Python and Boa are gonna ask some of our contacts who hang around Ecstasy. Rattler is gonna hit up his contacts in Cali, me and Joker are gonna ask around Downtown.” Cobra’s ice blue eyes fell on Mamba. “I want you to keep your ears open at the fights. See what you can find out especially since we got people coming in from all three states for the fights. Bound to be some kinda shit floating around.”

“I still remember the look on those girl’s faces when we rescued them at the Shangri-La.” Joker shook his head. “Messed up shit, for sure.”

“With the contacts we have in and around this city I don’t think it’ll take us too long to hear something, and then we fuckin’ put a stop to it.”

Fuck yeahs echoed through the room.

Cobra slammed the gavel down again and Mamba was already thinking about a nice cold beer when Cobra motioned for him to stay behind.

The others filed out, and as usual, Cobra’s expression was unreadable. The two alphas stared at each other as Mamba waited. In the old days, a private conversation with Cobra usually consisted of his prez telling him to shape up and clean up his act, but they’d come a long way since the bad old days, and Mamba intended on keeping it that way.

“Had a good time at your house the other night.” Cobra cupped his shoulder. “You got a great place there.”


“Proud of you, brother.”

In the past, people were quick to point out what a screw up he was so hearing those words proved to Mamba he was on the right path. Especially when those words came from the one person he learned to respect the most.

Mamba joined the rest of the Serpents at the bar, where a prospect already had a cold beer waiting for him.

“So, you’re coming down to the wire,” Joker said. “How many more weeks until the big day.”

“Four weeks, but the doctor said she might go early.”

Joker chuckled into his beer.

“What’s so funny.”

“Picturing you holding a baby.” Joker laughed. “And I understand you still don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy.”

“And it’s driving me fuckin’ crazy. Mandy says she wants me to be surprised, but me and surprises usually don’t work out so good.”

“Yeah, like the surprise birthday party Mandy tried to give you last year.”

“Ohhh fuck,” Python bellowed. “I remember that. There we all were about thirty people hiding in the kitchen, and you decide to come home and give it to your girl on the living room couch.”

“By the time Mandy got you to stop we already heard way too much,” Rattler added.

“And saw too much.” Boa winced. “I was the one who flipped on the lights. Shit, I saw more of you than I ever wanna see again.”

“Yeah.” Mamba shoulder-butted Boa. “You probably cried all the way home after you saw what I’m working with.”

“Fuck you, twice. And for your information Madeline has no complaints.”

“Yeah, yeah, she just feels sorry for you.”

“All right,” Cobra raised his beer. “Before these two assholes start asking for a ruler, I wanna toast Mamba on his new house, good woman and soon-to-be father.”
