Page 40 of Marked By The Kings

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“I can’t go through with this,” I fret in a whisper. “He just saw us—“

Holy kisses me again. “It’s fine, baby. There should be something around here to place over your pussy while he works.” He starts looking around but doesn’t immediately find what he wants.

I fret again, to myself this time. I shouldn’t have agreed to this. I never should have said I’d get marked to prove my love. I mean, I want to, but I didn’t think it would be so intimate. I didn’t realize that another man would be up close and personal with my vagina in order to give Holy what he wants.

Holy grabs all the stuff we were using and escorts me to the bathroom to clean up. I notice that I’m missing my panties, and there’s a bulge in Holy’s pocket, but I don’t have the courage to ask for them back with Joker watching the two of us. When I return to the chair, everything looks sanitized and ready for business. There’s even a towel placed on the leather. My boyfriend helps me back onto the table and holds my hand as Joker makes small talk, but not about the activities he caught us in the middle of.

“Have you ever gotten a tattoo before?” He applies a piece of paper to my mound, and I have to admit that I feel self-conscious about him rubbing his fingers along my skin. Joker’s wearing gloves, but still, I never thought anyone would touch me except Holy.

I shake my head no, then verbalize it because I realize he isn’t looking at me. “No, this is my first.”

Joker talks about what he’s doing while he’s doing it. “I’m applying the stencil. Holy said MC patch and name. How does this look?” He asks as he removes the bit of paper.

Unfortunately, I can’t move my belly aside to see how it’s placed. Luckily, Holy does the checking for me. But having both him and Joker staring at a private part that I never shared with anyone before a few months ago makes me shift in discomfort. Luckily, their gazing only lasts for a few seconds.

“That looks good,” Holy decides with a smile. “I love the detailing you got on the MC logo. The shading on the skull is perfect.”

Joker looks pleased with himself but doesn’t say thank you. I notice he’s a man of few words, only saying what he feels is essential. Instead, he gets his machine ready. “This may hurt a little bit,” he warns me. “Especially because this is a more sensitive area.” But Joker is all business now.

“Don’t you worry about her sensitive area,” Holy warns his buddy. I can tell he’s joking, but his words have a threatening edge.

Joker doesn’t notice, though. He gets down to business and turns on the machine. The whir sends my heart into overdrive, and I grab Holy’s hand as I wait for the first application of the needle. I don’t realize I’m shaking until he runs his thumb along my wrist and tells me it’ll be okay.

It isn’t as bad as I thought it’d be. It’s a small prick, over and over again, as Joker outlines the tattoo. He works quickly but precise. I rely on Holy to tell me how the tattoo looks because I can’t see what Joker is doing. Every few seconds, he drags a paper towel across my mound. The first couple of times, it is followed by an eruption of pain as he clears away blood and ink from freshly tattooed skin, but it fades within a few seconds. Soon it’s just a dull ache as he applies the black and grays to their final position.

“I’m hard as a rock,” Holy whispers in my ear at one point during the tattoo.

I look over at him, and indeed, I can see the outline of his cock in his jeans. He cuts an impressive figure, making me want to reach over and stroke him, but I don’t. “Calm down, cowboy; I have a feeling this tattoo isn’t finished.”

“You also shouldn’t rub up against this for a minimum of twelve hours,” Joker adds with a concentrated look on his face.

Holy closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Joker, what have we told you about eavesdropping?”

He looks up from my mound for a minute, and a frown is etched into his features. He looks like he’s struggling to remember the handy advice his friends have given him over the years. “Not to?” Joker asks hopefully.

“Right,” Holy agrees in a tone that insinuates Joker is like a child. “But good to know about the rubbing thing. Guess I’ll take you from behind later.”

I smack him in the arm, hard, and try not to blush. Redness fills my cheeks as I turn away from both of them. Luckily, Joker doesn’t say anything else about it; neither does Holy.

When the tattoo is finished, Holy leads me to a mirror in the back of the tattoo parlor and stands behind me so no one can watch me lift my dress and admire the ink freshly applied to my mound.

Seeing Holy’s name on such an intimate part of my body nearly makes my heart explode. It is so intricately done; I love it. “It’s beautiful.”

“No, you’re beautiful,” Holy replies. “That’s why we need this. So every man alive knows I’ve staked my claim on the most beautiful woman in the world.” He wraps his arms around me, and I let my dress fall into place.

In this light, without a jacket to cover my bump, it’s apparent that I’m pregnant. In a few weeks, it’s going to get even harder to hide our secret when the winter days turn nice and ring in the spring. My anxiety grows. Thank God Holy is around to keep me grounded. Otherwise, I’m afraid I’d be spinning off the map into insanity. “Promise you’ll love me forever.”

“Until the day I die,” Holy swears. “Come hell or high water.”

Hell and high water may be coming sooner than we’d like.



Everything goes right… for a while. Isn’t that how life works? You go through sunny days riding high on the mountaintop, then the clouds start rolling in, and you find yourself in a valley.

My mountaintop is the double life I’m leading.
