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I clear my throat. “I’m not actually sure what this is yet.”

“Are you kidding? You called her Firefly, which is a disgustingly sweet nickname, I’m pretty sure it means you like her. And she likes you too. You’re smart enough to figure out the rest.”

“You’re saying I should date her?” I ask uncomfortably.

I haven’t had to do this in such a long time. I feel like a fucking teenager again instead of a grown-ass man in his forties. Declan seems to be reveling in my cluelessness.

“Date her, marry her, I don’t care. As long as you’re happy.”

I shake my head. “Marriage is a bit much, man.”

“Of course. Which is why you’re simply going to tell her how you feel and ask her out. You can do it on our little double date tomorrow.”

My eyes narrow. “It’s not a double date. You will not go anywhere near her best friend.”

The last thing I need is him getting with her and overcomplicating things.

“I wasn’t going to. Give me a little credit, Xan.”

“Whatever,” I mutter.

Declan gets to his feet and buttons up his suit jacket.

“I’ve got a meeting to get to. I’ll see you later. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure tomorrow goes by without a hitch,” he promises.

“That does not sound comforting.”

He throws me a little wave before walking out. It takes much longer than I would have liked, but I’m eventually able to get through work. By the time I return home however, Juliette’s long gone. I guess I’m just going to have to bide the time until she’s in my arms again.

She’s fast becoming a drug to me. And I fear I’m getting addicted.



“No,” Lisabell says dismissively, so I pull out another dress. “Nope.”

With a sigh of frustration, I toss the dress onto my bed. “Bells, you’ve said no to every single club-appropriate outfit I own. Do you want me to go clubbing in jeans?”

Honestly, that would be quite comfortable now that I think about it. I could pair the jeans with a cute white crop top I bought recently.

“Don’t you dare,” Lisabell states, getting to her feet from her position at the desk in the room.

She walks over to my small closet and starts digging through the clothes. I sigh softly before dropping down to my bed, choosing to watch her quietly. A few minutes later, she emerges holding a dark blue dress. My eyes widen at the sight. I completely forgot I even owned that—and with good reason.

“No, no way.”

Lisabell pouts as she looks at the dress. “It’s hot.”

“Babe, most of my boobs will be on display in that dress.”

A few years ago, I wouldn’t have hesitated to put it on, but things have changed. I’m not the same person I was then. That Juliette liked to party—a lot.

“Come on, it matches your eyes and you’ll look amazing in it.”

I sigh, getting to my feet and snatching it from her hand. She’s right, I would look amazing. And considering our company this night, I really want to look amazing.

“He’ll love it,” Lisabell says firmly, like she’s reading my mind.
