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A tear slides down as her eyes fall closed. My heart turns to ice and I literally freeze for a full second as I consider the implications of her eyes being closed.

“Kathy? Open your eyes, baby,” I call desperately. They remain shut. She’s so pale right now and there’s so much fucking blood.

I reach over to check her pulse but there’s nothing there. I can’t feel her. I shake my head continuously in disbelief.

She’ll be okay, she’ll be okay,I tell myself repeatedly.

The paramedics finally arrive and drag us out of the car. I watch as they pull Kathy out as well, begging for them to help my wife.

“We’re sorry, sir. She’s—”

The paramedic doesn’t get to finish the sentence before a mournful sob is torn from my throat.

She’s gone. Kathy’s gone.

And it’s all my fucking fault.

* * *

“You know,”Declan drawls, “you’ve done a lot of dumb things before, but this might be the worst.”

“What are you talking about?” I snap, glaring at a spot on the wall.

I’m irritable and the last thing I need right now is him saying dumb shit that’ll be piss me off more. I haven’t seen Juliette in three days. She’s the only woman I’ve felt anything for in a long time. I just want to pull her into my arms and hold her and never let go.

“I’m talking about Julie, dickhead. Why the hell aren’t you going to find her?”

My jaw ticks. “I know where she is,” I reply.

I had someone follow her and find out where she’s staying. Apparently, she’s with one of her coworkers at the hotel. A woman called Francine.

“Oh, really, you know where she is,” Declan says sarcastically. “Then what are you still doing here, pillock?”

I raise an eyebrow. “Don’t swear at me in British.”

“Don’t be such an idiot,” he retorts.

I sigh. “She asked me for space, Dec. I’m giving it to her.”

“She asked you to talk to her, asshole, and you didn’t. That woman jumped into a pool to save your son. She risked her life for Mason despite not being able to swim because she cares about that boy. And she cares about you.”

My eyes flutter shut as I think about the fear that sliced through me when I saw her drowning in that pool. Madison came running to me, crying that Mason was in danger, and I just bolted. When I got there, Mason had been pulled out, but Juliette was still in there. I rushed in without hesitation and I was so relieved that they were both okay.

“Then you yelled at her,” Declan continues and I turn the force of my glare to him.

I really wish I hadn’t told him everything that happened. But he weaseled it out of me.

“You don’t need to tell me I fucked up. I know I fucked up! And now she doesn’t want to see me,” I mutter.

Declan’s green eyes narrow. “Sometimes, I really wonder how we’re friends. You have the emotional range of glass.” “Did you come to my office to insult me with lines from Harry Potter?”

“Go to her, Xan. And if she pushes you away keep trying. Because you’re in love with that woman, even if you don’t want to admit it to yourself.”

My heart races at his words. I turn to look at him as my chest tightens. He’s right. I just don’t want to admit the truth to myself. Because love hurts and I don’t want to ever feel what I felt when Kathy died ever again.

“Do you want me to kick your ass into action?” Declan prompts.

I groan before getting to my feet and snatching my keys from the table. He’s being such an annoying dick.
