Page 53 of Ryan and Avery

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He walks up as Avery steps from the driver’s seat. Both of them are too happy to realize they are smiling.

“I just happened to be in the neighborhood…,” Avery says.

“I’m glad you dropped by,” Ryan replies.

Then they teeter, because they’re in front of each other now, and neither is certain of the second-date protocol. It’s Avery who widens his arm, making Ryan smile even wider, because, yes, here it is: the welcome hug, the reunion hug, the this-means-something hug. They’ve passed the point of anticipation.

“Do you mind driving?” Ryan asks.

“Not at all,” Avery says. “I love to drive.”

There’s no clear logic behind this decision on Ryan’s part. Maybe in Avery’s car, they’ll be more anonymous, more free.And also, Ryan secretly admits to himself, if Avery’s driving, then Ryan can watch him, and not the road.

“Where are we headed?” Avery asks once they’re both strapped into their seats. “What’s the best Kindling has to offer?”

It would make sense to start the day with coffee, to go to the Kindling Café. But there are bound to be other kids from the high school there, and Ryan doesn’t want to see any of them, friend or foe.

Avery is honestly expecting Ryan to suggest coffee, or maybe a diner. So he’s surprised when Ryan says, “The river. How do you feel about heading to the river?”

“I feel great about heading to the river,” Avery replies. “Show me the way.”

Ryan tells Avery where to turn, and also apologizes, because there’s a call he needs to make.

“It’s related to our plans,” Ryan assures him.

Avery appreciates how sincere this is. “It’s fine. Go forit.”

Ryan knows Aunt Caitlin is bad about checking texts. Now that the plan has been sanctified by Avery’s enthusiasm, it’s cool to make a call.

“Hello, dear nephew,” Caitlin answers. “What’s up?”

“I’m riding here with my friend Avery, and I was hoping we could park in your yard and take the canoe onto the river. If you’re not using it today.”

“Of course. Have I met this friend Avery?”


“Is he from Kindling?”


“Ryan…are you on a date?”

Ryan could just say yes. But instead he draws it out, so Avery can hear it. “Yes, it’s a date.”

“Well, that’s exciting. When you’re done, if you want to drop by for a snack or something, please do. I’ll be around.”

“Sure thing.”

“Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Avery is completely taken with the sound of Ryan’s voice as he says this. He has no idea who Ryan’s talking to, but the affection he has for them is abundantly clear.

If you are hoping for someone’s affections, understanding that they have the capacity to be affectionate is always a good start.

“That was my aunt,” Ryan explains after hanging up. “We’re going to borrow her boat.”
