Page 118 of Hemlock Island

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“See? You do remember the magic words.”

I let out a sob, as Madison and I run for Jayla. She doesn’t stop moving toward Kit. When she’s near him, she lunges, and it is not a smooth or elegant lunge. It is a broken lurch, but she throws herself into it and hits Sadie square in the chest, sending her flying backward.

I run toward them, Madison keeping up.

“Be careful!” I shout. “That thing can—”

Sadie bucks, throwing Jayla off her with incredible force. I scream. Madison lets go of my hand and runs to Jayla. I stop before I do the same, and I force myself to block Sadie instead, as her ravaged body rises, grotesquely pulled up by invisible strings.

“Stop!” I say.

Sadie’s eyes go black, her mouth opening. The open flap of her cheek has torn all the way to her mouth now, and my gorge rises as her jaws open, torn lips and cheek quivering.

“We have had this conversation,” the entity says. “I will not have it again. There is a price. He offered to pay it. The woman is still alive. Take that as my show of mercy.”

“Yeah,” Jayla rasps from the ground. “You failed to kill me, and now you’re calling it mercy.”

“I failed nothing. I made a statement, and then I let you live. If you took that for a sign that I might show mercy again, I can correct that mistake before you draw another breath.”

“I made you a promise,” I say. “I made it here. In this spot. I meant it, and you know that I meant it or you’d drive me off this island. But you don’t want me gone. I might have done a half-assed job, but you would still rather have me—properly motivated—than leave the island unguarded.” I pause. “Is that right?”

“Yes, you can have your island,” she says. “But I must have my price.”

“Okay then. Just clearing that up. You want me. You need me. Got it.”

I wheel and run in the other direction.

“Laney!” Madison shouts.

Madison comes after me, and I don’t try to stop her. I run twenty paces north, to the edge of the pond. There, I trample down the warning sign as I wade in to get what I need.

At a shriek behind me, I turn to see Sadie’s broken body flying toward me. I lunge out of the way and lift the dripping leaves so the entity can see them. Then I stuff one of the roots in my mouth.

Madison screams. “Laney, no!”

Madison runs for me, but Sadie knocks her aside and charges.

I dodge Sadie and spit out the root. Sadie stops, eyes black as the entity watches me.

I lift another root from the bunch clutched in my hand.

“Water hemlock,” I say. “The island is named after it. The most poisonous plant in North America. One of these roots will be enough to kill me.” I meet those black eyes. “How badly do you want me alive?”

The thing snarls, and I don’t see Sadie in that face anymore. I don’t see anything remotely human.

“I have a deal for you,” I say. “You are going to hear me out or Iwill stuff these roots in my mouth and swallow them before you can stop me.” I meet her eyes again. “You know I will.”

The spirit gnashes Sadie’s teeth and jerks her head with those birdlike movements, but that black-eyed gaze doesn’t leave mine.

“You want me as the island’s guardian,” I say. “You can only have me if you let Kit live. Let him live, let Jayla live, let Madison live. It’s too late for Sadie, I know that, but the others must live, and in return, I will give you what you want.”

“You will give me what I wantafteryou pay the price,” it says. “You will give it to me knowing that if you do not, I willtakethe others.”

“So you’ll force me into being your protector?Blackmailme into it? Would it not be better to have my compliance willingly? To have my promise—myoath—willingly? Because that is the only way I’m giving it. You threatened to kill everyone else who sets foot here.” I shrug and lift a root of hemlock. “That can’t bother me if I’m not here to see it.”

“Oh, I can make sure you are here to see it. Even if your body is dead.”

“That’s a chance I’m willing to take. Because I will not look after this island for a spirit that murdered my child or my husband or my best friend.”
