Page 38 of Ruthless Vows

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“I’m sick, Mom. My stomach is killing me. I locked the door so no one had to be in here while I’m throwing up. I’m not sure what’s wrong.”

She smooths her designer dress that probably cost more than this entire dinner, the room, and my own dress. “I don’t care. Finish and get out here. Now.” She seethes, her red lips twisted in a snarl. “And fix your lipstick. You’ve ruined it,” she adds before spinning on her heel and leaving without another word.

Dante immediately slams the door and locks it again. I take the seconds before he reclaims my mouth to look at how handsome he is in his charcoal suit. He fills it out in all the right places, from his wide frame and muscular arms to his long torso and legs. His mouth crashes against mine once more.

“Tell me you’ll come back. Come see me tonight. I can’t fucking stay away from you.” His words come in short pants against my lips as my body ignites with a pleasure that I’ve never felt in my life. “I’m done waiting.” Dante teases me, running his hands up and down my dress-covered thigh. “I need this”—he reaches under my dress and palms my pussy with one hand and pulls me into him with the other—“I am taking this pretty pussy of yours tonight, and I don’t give a fuck what you have to say about it.”

My head rolls back from the impact of his words. They should scare me. Should make me run in the opposite direction, but I refuse to lie to myself.

I love his dirty mouth.

His ability to get me high on his words.

I’m taking that pretty pussy…

God, I want that. Ineedthat.

But things aren’t that simple, are they?

I whimper at the loss of his touch as his palm leaves my center.

“Things are complicated, and I can’t get away all the time,” I tell him, unsure how to tell him my father is a bit more overprotective than I told him about the other night.

Not many people would understand. And telling him he’s a mafia boss is out of the equation altogether. Not even Remi knows yet. Guilt burrows in my bones, and I justify that by reminding myself I’m keeping her safe.

“Well, you’re going to get away tonight. I thought I could stay away from you, but I can’t stop thinking about you, Giana.” He kisses me, and I can barely keep myself standing.

This man is quickly becoming a fantasy I’m not sure I can give up.

His ability to sense my every thought is uncanny, because he picks me up and sets me on the marble sink, placing his hands on either side of my face again.

“Tell me you’ll come,” he demands with a sly smile that makes me think he means that in more ways than one.

He hikes my dress up again, this time ripping my panties and throwing them to the ground. I stare at the fabric on the floor as a rush of warmth runs through my core.

“Tell me you don’t want this, and I’ll stop,” he says. “I’ll fucking hate it, but I’ll stop.” He runs his finger down my soaked slit, my desire for him evident. He smirks. “You don’t want me to stop, kitten. Don’t lie to me—don’t lie to yourself. I feel how fucking wet I make your sweet cunt.”

I shiver, and he chuckles like the beautiful, cocky man that he is. He bends down and looks at my bare center before looking up at me.

“Fucking glistening for me,” he growls.

Then, in one slow, ungodly holy and sinful movement, he darts his tongue out, licks me from the bottom of my slit to the very top, and sucks my clit into his mouth, forcing a long moan out of me.

Fucking fuck. Fuck!

His mouth against my skin is like a drug I’ve never known. My core tightens, and he comes back up to a standing position.

“Fix your dress, go out there, and remember that I am the reason you’re dripping wet,” he demands, and my body ignites with something I can’t even put into words.

Before I can think better of it, the words are falling from my lips, and I’m promising him something I don’t know I can deliver.

“I’ll be there tonight,” I tell him.

“I’ll come for you if you aren’t,” he says, and I believe him. “Don’t disappoint me, Giana.”

“He’ll be here in a minute,”I tell Leonardo, my family’s consigliere, and Van, the soldier we’ve brought with us.

The guy is young, twenty, but Leo and another one of our men have vouched for him, so I’ve taken him under my wing. I’ve been spending the last week showing him around and getting him ready to go out on his own, but things like this take time.

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