Page 51 of Ruthless Vows

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Gabriel and I both collapse, falling to the floor and clutching our wounds. I scoot up against the wall and prop myself up, applying as much pressure as I can to my wound. Gabriel must have dropped his gun when he fell, because it’s sitting a couple feet away from him on the floor, but just as he goes to reach it, Giana is up and kicking it in the opposite direction.

She rushes over to me and falls to her knees, and to say I’m even more confused than moments ago is an extreme understatement. Why is she not helping her brother? Aside from the obvious fact that he’s a fucking tool. But…she’s choosing me in this moment, and I can’t make fucking sense of it.

“Dante, what the fuck?” she asks, but it’s almost a demand, a demand to know what the fuck is going on.

Wish I fucking knew.

“What’s happening?” She covers the hole in my shoulder with both of her palms, giving me a moment to rest.

I feel like all of the air has been sucked out of me as I lean my head against the wall, keeping an eye on where Gabriel is lying on the floor.

“You fucking bitch, get over here and help me!” Gabriel screams at Giana, but she doesn’t pay him a second of her time. “You fucking cunt. You fucking traitor! Get over here!”

She keeps her palms on me, looking at me with tears brimming in her eyes.

“There’s more to this, isn’t there?” she asks, and if I hadn’t known I fucked up by now, I definitely would in this moment.

I‘ve fucking fallen for this woman.

I’ve been falling for her this entire time…

For the woman I swore I’d use to get my payback.

She just so happened to be the only thing that mattered as her brother pointed the gun in our direction…and that only further drives my point home.

Everything has changed.

Every fucking thing.

“Worthless cunt!” Gabriel screams as he tries and fails to apply pressure to his gunshot wound.

“Can you handle this for a minute?” Giana calmly asks, referring to my bullet wound.

I nod, and we switch places; she removes her palms, and I place mine over the bleeding wound. Giana grabs my gun from where it sits on the floor next to me and spins around, pointing it directly at her brother.

“You’ve made my entire life hell, Gabriel.” She chokes back a sob. “I’d ask you why, but it doesn’t really matter, does it? Not anymore. Every single time you cut into my skin, used me as a toy to take out your frustrations on… Each time you hit and punched and kicked and left me in pieces for your own entertainment. You deserve worse.”

As soon as the last word leaves her lips, she pulls the trigger, putting a second bullet hole dead center in his chest.

She just signed her brother’s death certificate.

Blood splatters from the hole in his chest, and he slumps over onto the wooden floorboards. A metallic scent lingers in the air, reminding me of my own injury. I press harder, the pain radiating from my shoulder down my arm and back up again.

“Giana, what…are you…fucking…doing?” Gabriel gasps, sucking in fragments of air as blood trickles from the corners of his mouth.

The bright-red liquid falls to the floor as he tries speaking again, but in mere seconds, his eyes are rolling back in his head. The bastard is dead.

Fucking Christ.

“Giana,” I say, needing her to let me explain.

For all I know, she’s going to blow my brains out in retaliation of the news she just found out. I’ve fucking lured her in. Duped her. She’s given the only thing she has left away to a fucking monster.

“You owe me an explanation, DanteDeSantis.” She all but spits the words out like they’re venom.

I recoil as she makes a move to help apply pressure to me again, despite the fact that I’m an unworthy fucking bastard.

The world continues spinning,but I am standing still.
