Page 75 of Ruthless Vows

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“You’re right,” I tell him. “I want to be in on this. It isn’t enough for you to tell me that you’ve got this shit figured out. I need you to show me. I need to know what’s going to happen. I’m not staying in the dark anymore.”

I stand just as he reaches me, and I envelop him, locking my arms around his neck and standing on my toes to plant a kiss onto his mouth. I try to move away, but he quickly takes control, commanding his entry of my mouth before relenting once more.

The moment his lips leave mine, I can think somewhat clearly again, the loss of his touch leaving me with only the ghost of a high I crave so deeply that it feels like it’s ingrained into the very walls of my chest. Wanting him.

“Then that’s what you’ll get, angel. I swear to you, you’ll be let in. I won’t leave you in the dark. You’ll know everything.”

I have a strong feeling he’ll want to protect me from the knowledge that he’ll do his best to keep me in the dark—but he’ll think it’s for my safety. I plan on making sure he follows through with his promise, though.

I look to the photographs on the dresser again, and I can’t resist asking him about them now that I’m satisfied with the conversation. I want to know more about him, about his life. About the people he’s closest to.

“Those photos,” I say, nodding to the photos in frames on his dresser that I discovered last night before bed. “Is that your wife with your son?” There’s a woman with a young boy. She has long blonde hair and beautiful, big brown eyes. And another one of a woman who looks similar to Dante, also with dark features—she’s in a photo with what appears to be Dante’s whole family. “And the other… Is that your sister?”

He nods. “I can put them somewhere else if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“No, of course not,” I tell him.

I’d never want him to put them away. I was just curious if I was right. The women were beautiful. And it makes it somehow more real, putting their faces to their story.

“If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do this right,” I tell him, straightening my spine as he falls to his knees for me. “I’m serious. I will not be a woman who sits on the sidelines of her life. I’ve been forced into that life for twenty-one years, and I make my own decisions now. I am not my father’s child anymore. I want to know what’s happening. I don’t want surprises. Women in the life not knowing anything is old and tired, and I refuse to be part of that.”

Dante smiles as he looks up into my eyes, his open lips revealing beautiful white teeth. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, angel.”

I nod, hoping I can trust this.

“I have only one request,” he says, running his palms up my thighs and dipping them under the lace of the nightgown I desperately want to take off. “You are mine, Giana. You. Me. Us. I want you, and I know I’ve made that abundantly clear. But you need to want this too.” He seems to think about his words and shrugs. “Hell, even if you don’t, I’m keeping you anyway.” He squeezes the delicate flesh he’s palming, and my core aches with need. “You are mine, angel.Anima Gemella.”


“I’m yours,” I tell him, nodding. “I am yours in every sense of the word.”

Even if I wanted to deny this man, I couldn’t.

Everything inside me aches for him. For his touch.

For the safety I feel with him.

I pull him to me and kiss him passionately, hungrily, my need and desperate want for this man on full display as I allow him to shove his tongue inside my mouth and claim me all over again. His hands make their way farther up my legs, and his fingers meet my center. He teases me just enough to make me break away from his kiss, needing to fill my lungs with more air.

“I’m falling for you,” I tell him, the words coming out so fast and hurried and jumbled together that I don’t even know if he could possibly understand.

He kisses me, claiming my mouth and sending me over the edge of desire and spinning out into the unknown. Only when we have to come up for air does he respond.

“I didn’t expect you,” he says. “And we’ve got a long fucking way to go, angel. But you are it for me. And I may feel like a total fucking softie when I say this, but I’ve already fallen, angel. Fuck, it would be so much easier if these feelings belonged to anyone else. But you’re the one thing I can’t deny.”

My big, bad mafia man is getting soft?

For me?

He fingers my wet slit, finding my clit and working me in the way he did that night at the club, and the morning in my bridal suite. I buck into him, and for moments, I forget. I forget we’ve started a brand-new war. That we’ve made new enemies and pissed off old ones.

Dante shoves two fingers inside my greedy pussy, and I clench around his digits, craving the way he makes me come alive under his touch.

“God, Dante.”

“No, angel. Far from it,” he grits out as he dives face-first into my pussy, licking and sucking and lapping up my juices, my desire for his cock.

He removes his fingers, and I snap out of my bliss long enough for the impending doom to sink into my bones.
