Page 83 of Ruthless Vows

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Almost as soon as he rounds the front of the vehicle, I hear the squeal of brakes and realize a white cargo van has quickly come to a stop right next to us.

Suddenly, three men jump out and yank open both my and Remi’s doors. A scream rips through my lips as I’m picked up from my seat and thrown into the back of the van, Remi tumbling in after me. It all happens so fast that I can’t even make sense of the sheer panic coursing through my veins.

“What the fuck?!” Remi screams, pounding on the floor of the van.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, crawling over to be near her just as one of the men hops in back with us.

Then the van takes off, skidding the tires and lurching Remi and me forward into a heap.

“Oh my God,” I cry out, my head spinning, my brain working a mile a minute trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

But deep down, I know.

And part of me wishes I was blind to what’s happening right now.

But I’m not.

My blood runs cold as soon as I turn to stare at the man who helped capture us and threw us in here. He looks unkempt, his white shirt half tucked in and half haphazardly out, covering a belt he doesn’t need. He has a black mustache, and his tan skin is clean-shaven.

“Like what you see, girlie?” he asks, and I want to punch the smug look off his face.

A shiver creeps up my spine as I drag Remi to the opposite side of the van with me, and both of us sit with our backs against the side of the vehicle so we can keep a watchful eye on this bastard in front of it.

She takes my hand in hers and squeezes my palm—I squeeze back.

“You need to let her go. Now,” I tell him. “She has nothing to do with this.”

Remi turns to look at me, and I just shake my head.

“Please!” I scream. “Please,” I try again, more calmly this time. “Please, just take me. Leave her out of this.”

“Giana, what the fuck is going on?” Remi speaks up, and I shush her as the man appears to be considering his options.

“Hey, boys!” he yells to what I can only assume are the men up front.

There’s a metal-cage type of barrier between whoever is up there and the three of us, and I can barely make out what’s beyond it. My skin grows clammy, and I struggle to get a full breath of air down into my lungs. I gasp, trying to calm myself as Remi places her head in her hands.

“The princess is already making demands. Whaddya’ think of that?”

A burst of laughter comes from the front seat, and the man across from us shakes his head with a chuckle.

How the fuck did this happen?

One minute I’m on the way to have dinner with the man I’m falling head over fucking heels for, and the next…

“What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” the man says, interrupting my thoughts as he sits on the floor of the van and scoots over to us.

The minute he gets within range, both Remi and I kick our feet out and catch him in the balls.

“You fucking cunts!” He backs away, seething as he grabs at himself.

His face grows red, and his top lip starts to twitch.

“You fucking bitches are gonna pay for that,” the man says, standing and walking over to the two of us.

He rears back with his leg and kicks me so hard in the stomach that I double over on impact, a forced groan leaving my throat. He does the same to Remi, although she tries to block his foot, and he ends up making contact with her arm. A sickening crack echoes in the van, and Remi lets out a scream that shakes me to my core.

She clings to her contorted arm, doubled over in pain. A sob leaves her lips, and I immediately grab onto her, not daring to speak another word to this man.
