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She licked her lips, not about to show him that Easy had gotten under her skin, and it was all because she’d made the comment about fucking Mayhem. He had his eyes trained right on her, the joint between his lips again.

He inhaled, pulled it away, and held it out to her. Butters had her fair share of partying. She didn’t touch the hard shit, but pot always helped her relax.

She took the joint and brought it to her lips, taking a nice long pull from the roach, holding in the smoke, and trying not to make eye contact with Mayhem.

Right now, especially with her being so buzzed, everything seemed ultra-sensitive, and she was highly aware. Even his body heat seemed more pronounced, slamming into her until sweat lined between her breasts and down the length of her spine.

They stood there, neither speaking as they finished off the joint, and Butters tried not to focus too hard on Mayhem. He flicked the butt away, the scent and lingering haze of the smoke still surrounding them.

Butters cleared her throat, that familiar burn and dryness, that slight tingle and tightness from getting high taking root.

“You don’t seem like the type of person to run when confronted with something or someone.”

Surprise filled her at his accusation, or more so, his observation.

“I didn’t run.” But she had. No way she’d admit that to Mayhem, though.

He now had his hands in his pants pockets, and the light was behind him, casting the front of him in deep shadows.

Why had he come after her? It wasn’t like he cared about her emotions, about how she felt. Butters was nothing to him but a piece of ass—an expensive piece of ass—so the fact he actually came after her made that tightness in her chest ease but only marginally.

She wrung her hands together and looked down, not knowing what else to say. The awkwardness was there, but for her, it was the arousal that was most pronounced.

She certainly couldn’t and wouldn’t tell him she had been slightly jealous, that the woman had gotten under her skin…that he had gotten under her skin.

“No more lying, Butters,” Mayhem stated without any room for negotiation.

“I’m not.” She wouldn’t budge from this or how she’d responded. She licked her suddenly dry lips and noticed he watched the act.

“Some club bitch got under your skin, and you hauled ass out of there.” His voice had dropped an octave, and the normally rough timbre now seemed like a low growl.

Her heart was beating so fast. Can he hear it? Does he know the effect he causes within me in just this short time? Do I want him to notice how much emotion he’s making me feel?

Because the alcohol and pot were making fast work through her body, she started talking. “You want to know the truth?” she challenged.

All he did was cock a dark eyebrow.

“Yeah, the bitch got under my skin. I don’t like it, don’t like she did it because of you, and don’t like that I allowed myself to care one iota.” She felt brave right now, even if that was a foolish move.

But when the gaze between them got too intense, she dropped her focus to the ground, trying to breathe easy.

His finger under her chin brought her head up, and she was looking into his eyes once more. His gaze searched her face, and she felt stupid over the whole situation. No doubt at any moment he would laugh her off, tell her that her sole purpose was to spread her legs.

Maybe he’d say that in just a week’s time she’d be dismissed and he wouldn’t give her a second thought.

That’s what you want, too. You want your time with him to be over with, want to go back to your life.

Instead, his response was leaning down and capturing her mouth with his. A gasp left her at the feel of his powerful kiss, of his strong lips on hers, stroking, taking what he wanted.

His kiss was hard, demanding, and when his hands landed on each side of her face, tilting her head, controlling her so that she was helpless against him, Butters felt herself melt even further.

She didn’t care about anything except letting Mayhem do this to her, and he was the one with the power, with the control.

Mayhem was every kind of bad for her, but all she could think about was how his mouth on hers was doing wicked things to her body, making her feel lost, submissive…making her not care that she should keep her distance emotionally.

He shoved her back against the wall; the cold, rough surface of the brick greeting her as he pressed his chest against hers, sandwiching her between him and the building. Mayhem cupped her hips, his big hands on her making Butters feel small, petite even.
