Page 24 of Steel

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Steel grabbed the envelope off the counter and handed it to Kai.

“Your new papers.”

Kai blinked at him, then took the envelope and opened it. He pulled out his new ID and said, “Aww, they used my good picture.”

He didn’t know how they’d even gotten a picture of Kai. He doubted there were many floating around on the internet. Auggie had probably worked his magic or Hawk had helped him dig one up.

“We can stay here for at least a week. Then we’ve gotta move.”

Kai nodded, a smile spreading on his lips.

“You coming with me?”

Steel froze. Fuck. He’d said we. He was starting to panic and not because he wasn’t going with Kai, but because a part of him knew he would be. He couldn’t leave him. He hadn’t even been able to make himself leave before they’d…

He was fucked now.

Steel cleared his throat.

“I guess.”

Kai was in front of him before he could even blink, his hands sliding up Steel’s chest.

“So, it is the orgasms, huh?”

That cheeky smile almost had Steel forgetting why he needed to keep his distance. Kai was dangerous. Caring for the man was even more dangerous.

“Kai,” he growled under his breath.

Did it make Kai back away? No. Of course, not. He put his lips against the side of Steel’s neck instead, nipping and licking and fuck… warmth enveloped his dick through his pants, Kai’s hand rubbing slowly across the growing bulge.

“You wanna put that inside me, don’t you?” Kai asked, lips brushing Steel’s ear. “You want me to ride it until I come all over both of us.”

A shaky breath escaped Steel and despite how interested his cock was in making that fantasy come true, he stepped back.

“None of that,” he said, his voice way too breathy for his words to be believable. “It’s not happening again.”

Kai crossed his arms over his chest and raised his brows at him, the smile on his lips downright wicked.

“We’ll see about that.”

Steel turned and walked away because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep his word with Kai right there within reach. He needed a cold shower and to remind himself who and what Kai was.

All he had to do was keep his distance and he’d be just fine. He could deal with Kai’s advances. He’d be fine.

Chapter Eight


HE’D BEEN mad at his brother for not being able to keep his hands off another man’s wife, but he was starting to understand now. Not touching Kai was beyond frustrating.

Obviously, his brother and his girlfriend’s situation had been very different. Trina had been in an abusive relationship with a psycho for a husband who’d nearly killed her several times.

His brother and Trina had fallen in love and once Tony found out that Trina was in danger, he’d called Ares. He was still pissed at them all for keeping the truth from him, but he knew the most important thing was that his brother and Trina were safe and alive.

Knowing that the only reason Kai hadn’t killed them was because he saw them as innocent wasn’t as comforting as Kai probably thought it’d be when he’d told him. What if he’d deemed a pair of cheaters not so innocent? What then? Would he have killed them?

Steel knew from experience that barely anyone was innocent. Even kids could be cruel. That Tony and Trina fit a hitman’s definition of innocence was pure fucking luck.
