Page 62 of Unchained

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I turn the video to when I texted her earlier knowing she was fine then.

Taking a seat behind my desk, I watch my girl as the panic flows through me like a fucking wildfire threatening to burn everything in its path.

She’s swimming for the longest time. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a man standing behind a large potted tree. I watch as he goes to her glass of wine, and he slips something into it and retreats back behind the tree and waits.

I know this man, though I haven’t seen him for a long time, Stephen Sinclair, Jade’s father. Why would he be drugging my girl? I fast forward and she gets out of the pool and stands near the table, takes her drink and smiles. She was happy. When she drinks a bit of it, she stands looking up into the sun, her glass still in her hand. Jade takes another drink and stumbles a bit. Placing her hand to her forehead, she collapses, the glass shatters and cuts her arm on the fall. He picks her up and tosses her over his shoulder and leaves.

I call Max, “Jade’s father was here today. He drugged and kidnapped her.”

He sighs, “Jesus. Let me call Mac and see what he can find on the father. What’s his last name?”

I run my hand through my hair while pacing the room, “Sinclair. Remember, I told you about how he and my father were involved in trafficking women.”

“Right, right,” he says.

What the actual fuck!

“Max, are you with me on this? I need to fucking find her.”

I hear the ruffling of papers, “Yeah, I’m good. I was up with Levi all night because Willow is so sick. I’ll call Mac and see what we can find. I’ll also call Mia and Trevor. We’ll find her, man.”

I don’t bother saying goodbye, I just disconnect the call. Normally, I’d ask if Willow is okay. But I can’t right now. The only thing I care about is finding Jade. When I do, I’m going to fucking kill that asshole too. When will they figure it out? Nobody fucking touches what’s mine. NOBODY.

I punch a hole in the wall waiting for Max to call me back. When he does finally call, I answer it on the first ring.


He says, “Her father is in heavy debt to some serious people. He owes ten million dollars to a gang out of Las Vegas.”

“That’s it?” I ask.

Max says, “Yep.”

“Where does Jade fit into it?”

He sighs, “If I were you, I’d expect a ransom call.”

Would her father kidnap his own daughter to extort money out of me? If I’ve learned anything from this business, it’s that people will do anything for money when they need it. My only hope is that he won’t hurt her. I’ll pay any amount to get her back and then I’ll fucking kill him with my bare hands.

* * *

Three Days Later…

Three fucking days and no ransom call. Not a goddamn peep. I called Max first thing this morning screaming at him about how he was obviously wrong. He called Mac again and now I wait for him to call me back. Mac is our computer guy. He’s a genius. If there’s something to be found, he will find it. He can hack any system he needs to.

I have spent more time pacing in the last seventy-two hours than anything else.

Fuck. Sassy where are you?Please be okay. I can’t lose her again. I fucking can’t. I lost ten fucking years with her. It was torture. I never got over her. Living my life without my girl is not a goddamn option.

Max is taking too long, so it’s time to take matters into my own hands. I hope he still lives at the house she grew up in. I race out to my car and head to the asshole’s house. I should’ve come straight here three days ago. Trusting Max to handle this and get me the information I needed, was mistake number one. His house is about a thirty-minute drive from mine. Speeding through the windy roads lead to people honking at me, but I ignore them. Once I get there, I pull into the driveway and don’t even bother knocking on his door. I’m a master at picking locks so that’s what I do. After getting in, I storm the house looking for him and looking for my Sassy girl. When I find her, I might retire just so I can make sure nobody gets to her ever again.

When I find the asshole in question, he’s in the gym laying on a bench, lifting weights over his head.

I walk up behind him, when he pulls the weights down to his chest, I use both hands and push down on his chest, “Where the fuck is she?”

He attempts to push the weight up, but he can’t. Stephen groans, “Let go and get the fuck out of my house.”

I push harder, “Where. The. Fuck. Is. Jade?”
