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I’d been handcuffed, and I loved it. It made me feel naughty.

Daddy circled around to the front of me again to inspect his work. The position of my arms was making my breasts jut out toward him like an offering. This time he was looking, and it made me even wetter.

I realized he was still holding something else in his hands when he stepped toward me and began fastening a leather collar around my neck. He fiddled with it for quite a bit of time, making sure it fit properly before clicking a leash made of chain to the metal ring.

A spurt of concern shot through me. Oh, hell no! I was not going to crawl around on the floor. Was I? No. I’d put my foot down at that. It was too degrading. Did I mark that down as a hard limit? I couldn’t remember.

He waited while I was trying to process everything. It was on the tip of my tongue to blurt out ‘yellow’, but I didn’t. I held off. For now.

He put pressure on the leash. A gentle tug, not hard enough to move me, but hard enough to pull me out of my spiraling thoughts. “You’ve got something to say?”

I held my tongue.

He led me out of the room into the hallway. At least I was walking.

I was buck naked, being led around on a leash like a dog. It was degrading.


I could feel the wetness between my thighs.

Chapter 6


I tugged on my cuffs, wondering how tough they’d be to escape. Even though they were comfortable, they didn’t have any give at all. The cuffs would be impossible to work loose on my own without a lot of time, especially with them behind my back.

I didn’t know where ‘Daddy’ was leading me or who was going to be there, wherever there was. What if he paraded me in front of a bunch of people? I’d always had an exhibitionist streak, and I was sure that my questionnaire answers reflected that, but was I ready for it?

The unknown was ratcheting up a mixture of anxiety and anticipation in me. I had given him control. I’d let him handcuff me, so now I was completely helpless. Physically, I still could fight back somewhat, but he would easily overpower me.

Did I trust him? Not really. I didn’t even know him. Gah, this was one of my stupider escapades. I’d done some stupid things in my life and taken chances when I shouldn’t have, but this had the potential to be the most consequential and dangerous.

He opened another door in the hallway. A set of stairs led downwards. A sliver of pure fear snaked down my spine. Was he taking me to the basement dungeon, never to be seen or heard from again?

He stopped and looked at me. “I won’t push you past your limits. Do you trust me, Baby Girl?”

“Not really.”

His eyes tightened subtly. “Explain.”

He wanted the truth; he was going to get it. “You’re kind of giving off Ted Bundy vibes right now.”

His eyes widened with surprise, and then he laughed. “It’s normal to be nervous at first. I’m taking you to the playroom. There are several sections down there, but we’ll just stick to the basics. I want playtime to be fun today. I want to play with your body and see what you’ll give me. Nothing hardcore. Good?”

“Okay.” I swallowed, feeling the collar press against my throat. “Is there anyone down there?”

“This is a private dungeon, but there’s always a dungeon monitor down there if someone is playing. I don’t do first-time sessions when it’s crowded.” He paused for a moment. “But I believe there’s another sub down there cleaning. She’ll probably sneak glances from a distance, but she’d stay out of the way and wouldn’t speak at all. She’s not my sub, but I can ask her to give us privacy if you want?”

“No, that’s okay.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Anything else, Baby Girl?”

“No, I’m ready.”

He tugged on my collar and led me down the stairs. The smell of heavy incense became more and more prominent with each step into the lower level. I stopped at the bottom and looked around. To my left was a series of small rooms. The only room that I could see the interior of looked like a doctor’s office. I hoped it was for medical play and not an actual doctor’s room to treat real injuries. Across from the staircase was a business office filled with bookcases and filing cabinets. I was pulled forward by the collar, but not before I glimpsed the large and open space to the right of the stairs. It was definitely a sex dungeon.

Before I could check it out, we stopped in front of the office door. A fierce-looking man was sitting behind a metal desk. He was covered with tattoos, even his bald head was inked. He had a full beard of black hair and dark, glinting eyes.
