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She opened the lid and pulled out the piece of paper. It was a homemade coupon for a weekend getaway.

She read it aloud. “To redeem on any weekend of your choice for two nights at a luxury treehouse hideaway. Amenities include stunning views, chirping birds, and sleeping under the stars among the lush greenery. The treehouse is well-appointed with all the modern conveniences. Pamper yourself with everything you’d expect at a luxury hotel room and then some. Get ready to unplug and relax on your quiet, magical getaway.”

I’d copied the description from the website. The wording was a little cheesy, but the photos of the place looked amazing. “What do you think?”

“What about Kody? I know you don’t like leaving him overnight with your parents.”

I didn’t, and I tried not to do it too often. I’d spent too many nights without him when I was on tour as it was, but I wanted her to know that she was important to me, too.

“It’s only for a couple of nights and I want to go away somewhere with you. Just the two of us.”

She tucked her foot under her leg. “And you’re going to be able to just pick up and go? What if you have band stuff?”

I wasn’t about to let anything get in the way. “Just tell me the dates you want to go and I’ll make it happen.”

Her face was an unreadable mask. “Isn’t it a little cold to stay in a treehouse cabin in the winter?”

“They’re heated,” I clarified. “These aren’t rustic little shacks. But if you want to wait until spring, when it warms up a bit, that would be fine.”

She was studying me with a quizzical look on her face. I wasn’t sure what she was thinking about, but she held it back. “Okay. It sounds really nice.”

That wasn’t exactly the enthusiastic response I’d been hoping for. It made me even more apprehensive about the next present.

She was going to think it was too extravagant. Or that I spent too much money, but spending $1,200 on her was nothing. I loved the necklace that I bought her. It was beautiful and as soon as I saw it, I knew that I had to get it for her.

“You got your naughty present; this is your nice one.” I handed her the last box.

The box contained a pendant made of a hand-faceted blue topaz that was surrounded by sparkling diamonds and hung from an 18k gold chain. I had never heard of the Italian designer and I didn’t know much about jewelry, but the piece was gorgeous and the stone matched the stunning blue of her eyes.

“Bash,” she gasped. “This is too much.”

“It’s not. I thought of you as soon as I saw it. Let me help you put it on.”

She lifted her hair, and I clasped it around her neck. I stepped back to admire it. “It’s perfect.”

There was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes, but then she hugged me. “Thank you for the gifts. I loved them all.”

We held each other for an extended moment and I savored each second. Maybe I’d been imagining a distance growing between us. Everything felt right now that I had her in my arms.

Chapter 22


Was I so easily influenced that a few gifts would sway me? Apparently, yes.

The last few days, when I’d taken a step back to get my head on straight, I realized that I couldn’t do this friends-with-benefits arrangement anymore. Just like with my Daddy Dom from Scarlett, I felt myself getting too close. With Bash, those feelings were amplified a thousand-fold. Yeah, I’d loved the submissive aspect of my relationship with my Dom, but I didn’t know him outside of our sessions at all. I was getting to know Bash very well, and I loved everything about him. It wasn’t just about the sex. I even wondered if I was falling in love with him.

Then he went and bought me those thoughtful gifts. The sexy body jewelry I could have chalked off to general male horniness. I could have dismissed the expensive necklace, too. He could afford to toss around money without putting a dent in his pocket, so merely spending money didn’t have to mean much, but it looked like he’d put effort into buying me something that I would like. The necklace was just my style, and I loved it. The framed photo and the weekend trip were harder to ignore. Those gestures took thought and effort and seemed very romantic. The last thing I needed was to start to get weird delusions in my head about how he felt about me.

Somehow, in our days apart, a crazy thought had popped into my head and set down roots. I was enthralled with it — daydreaming about it while I was supposed to be working and laying awake in the dead of the night just obsessing over it. As much as it captured my imagination, it also terrified me to my core.

I wanted Bash to be my Baby Daddy. It was an idea that had sprung into my head and wouldn’t be exorcised no matter how much figurative holy water I threw at it.

I mean, we were already married, why not have a baby? I didn’t even have to tell anyone he was the father if that’s what he preferred. It was most likely a touchy subject with him with all he went through with Kody. Did he even want another kid? He was a great father, and he’d probably want to be involved. Could my heart survive if a child kept us close, but he moved on to relationships with other women?

Would he even want to have a kid with me? We’d be forced to be in each other’s lives forever. And maybe he thought I was too slutty to be a good mom. He knew how promiscuous I used to be. I’d had a threesome with him and we were doing all this kinky shit together because I got off on it. I knew that my sexuality had nothing to do with being a great mother, but did he?
