Page 40 of Hail Mary

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“My dad.” My mouth drops open in shock. “My father owns a tech company. He thought he would be able to buy the pictures, sell them to the tabloids and threaten me with Corvin’s career.”

“Why the fuck would he do that and what do I have to do with any of this shit?” I ask.

Saint smiles sadly. Crue rests his hand on top of his shoulder in silent support. “Because he wants to teach me a lesson for taking down Darius’s dad and being able to pay back every cent he ever gave me. He used you to get to Corvin, knowing that I would do anything for my best friend, even giving up my dream of being drafted and go back to him so I could take over the family business.”

I’m so confused. “I don’t get it,” I say honestly.

“My father can’t inherit my mother’s trust fund unless I take over the company, it was a stipulation in the will. He has until I turn twenty-one to get me back or the money automatically goes to me.”

“But, aren’t you like rich?”

He nods but I can see there is more to this. “My mother came from a wealthy family. They own vineyards, and those wineries make more money in a month than my father does in a year. I promise I won’t let him get away with what he has done to you.”

“Rich people can never be happy unless they have everything,” I mutter, pissed off that I was used and exposed to the world because of a grudge between father and son.

“If you sign those papers, Jason will pay for what he did to you and then some.” The way his eyes darken tells me there is more to this.

“You’re not just going to sue him, are you?” I see the war in his eyes, he doesn’t know if he should lie or speak the truth so I push on. “You wouldn’t need an alibi if I was just signing papers, you plan to go after him, don’t you?”

A whoosh of air escapes him before his eyes harden. “I’m not going to let that piece of shit get away with what he’s fucking done to you. He is going to suffer first, before I rip everything he holds near and dear away from him. By the time we’re done with him, he won’t have two fucking pennies to rub together.”

I search his gaze trying to find any sign of him joking, but I can’t find one. “He’s a snitch, Corvin,” I hiss.

A dark smile graces his handsome face. “Oh, I know, baby. Have faith, we got this.” If his words were supposed to put me at ease, they don’t. Maybe I’m a shitty person for being happy at the fact Jason will get a dose of his own medicine and know what it feels like to be at the mercy of someone else’s fists and not be able to stop them. Corvin leans in, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear sending a shiver down my spine. “Be a good girl and sign the papers.” The bastard sits back in his seat and shoots me a wink, knowing hearing those two words from him turns me the fuck on.

* * *

After signing the papers, Corvin instructs Troy to wait until morning to lodge them. A sick sense of satisfaction rolls through me knowing that he is about to get his soon. I feel kind of bad that his parents will be brought into this but they both knew about their son’s addiction. His mother even saw the evidence of his abuse toward me and just turned a blind eye. It was easier for his parents to ignore their son’s wrongdoings rather than cause a scandal, fucking rich people, man. Rather than doing the right thing they would ignore it and turn a blind eye so they don’t make the front page of the news.

Once we finish eating, Darius slips the waiter a thick stack of bills before leading them out the back entrance. That’s when it clicks, everyone saw us all enter but no one will see us leave so if Jason was to go to the cops, we would have over thirty witnesses that saw us here. We pile into the cars and head back to the penthouse. Instead of pulling into the garage where he normally parks the car he drives around the back of the building and parks in the staff car park. I look over at him and frown.

“No cameras around here or in the service elevators,” he says in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Oh,” I manage to say before following him out of the car and meeting the others at the back entrance where we take the service lift up to the penthouse. The tension in the air is thick. I look over at Beck’s smile. His son is fast asleep in his hold and the sight of this burly guy who looks like he can crush skulls with his bare hands being so tender and soft toward his baby boy is a beautiful sight to see. Leah leans in closer to me and whispers.

“Becky’s a DILF.” Unable to stop it, laughter bursts out of me. I clamp my hand over my mouth so I don’t wake Dawson.

“I fucking heard that shit, Goldie,” Darius growls from Leah’s other side.

“So, did I.” Both of us look over at Val who is grinning. “And honestly, I one hundred fucking percent agree. My baby daddy is definitely adad I’d like to fuck.” Corvin and Darius groan, Beck on the other hand just shoots his girl a wink.

“I vote Beckett stays in Alaska and never comes back,” Corvin grits out. Beck glares at his friend.

“The fuck did I do?” he whisper shouts just as the doors open.

“Be born,” Corvin deadpans and stalks out of the lift. I race after him and manage to catch him by the arm just as he enters the living room. He spins around and glares down at me.

“Why are you mad?” I ask. I can see it in his eyes and I roll my lips over my teeth to keep from laughing. He’s jealous.

“Swear to God, if you start saying half the shit my sister does about that asshole, I’m taking it out on your orgasms.” Laughter breaks out from the others behind me, while I stand here gaping up at him.

“I just laughed at what she said!” I defend.

He throws his hands in the air frustrated. “Fucking hell, just stay away from Beckett,” he snaps.

“Why the fuck am I always getting blamed?” I spin around to find Beck standing there looking pissed off. Dawson is no longer in his arms so I assume Val is putting him to bed in the spare room.

“They hate that you’re so pretty, Becky,” Leah sassily replies from her seat on Darius’s lap. Darius grips his girlfriend’s hips, lifts her off his lap and places her on the sofa beside him, then glares at her.
